Buttercup's P.O.V

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Hey my lovelies!!! God it seems like forever since I've updated this one!! Well I'm finally doing it. Plz I know u guys have been waiting for me to update but don't get mad. One or two people messaged me saying mean things and stuff. So plz if it takes me awhile. I have a reason. Okay! Let's get to it!!

3 weeks later *brought to u by 'Brittany' s homemade cookies' *

Okay so yeah its been 3 weeks and Boomer's out of the hospital. Everyone's happy. I'm happy. Its all good. We've gotten our classes and started going to them too. Mine were boring.....as usual. I was sitting in the living room bored as fuck til I remembered. 'Butch's Journal'. I laughed evilly as I walked through the hallway and down to his door. Right now Butch wasn't here cause he still had class. I don't know what class but whatever. I opened the door and looked around to see if I could spot it. Of course I didn't see it so I started walking over to his bookshelf. To be honest I don't really think of him as a 'reader' but there were so many books lying around. I threw some books out of the way and finally found a small black box labeled 'Butch's Stuff. U touch u get fucked up!'. "How nice." I say sarcastically. I grabbed the box and walked over to his bed. I sat down and opened the box finding many small items but eventually found the journal. It was small and a dark green color. I grabbed and set the box down on the floor. I lied down on his bed and opened the book. I flipped through the white pages until I found where I left off.

(Butch's Journal will be in his P.O.V)

' I'm glad Boomer's okay. I was so worried about him. I mean all that blood.....I wish I could just forget it. I'm still a little pissed at Bloss. She had no right to yell like that and says she didn't care. I mean she's a fucking hero! Heros are supposed to care about others! But I guess I can't stay mad at my friends for long. Yes I said friends. I do count the Puffs as friends. Just because we were enemies when we were little doesn't mean we can't be friends now. At least that's what I think. And yeah sure I was mad at Bc for yelling at me that night but.... I just can't stay mad at her. Shes just-'

(Back to Bc's P.O.V)

I was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. "Hey Bc! U here?! ....I brought food!" A voice yelled from outside the room. I quickly jumped off him bed and grabbed the box. I threw the journal back in and ran over to the bookshelf placing the box back in its original place. Then I ran over to the door. I grabbed the knob and twisted it slowly. I slowly opened the door and peeked out into the hallway. No one. Good. I opened the door fully and walked out of his room closing the door behind me quietly. I sighed as I walked into the living room to see a Domino's pepperoni pizza and two cans of Coke. I smiled. "I knew u would be happy." Butch said coming out of the kitchen. "H-how did u have time to go get pizza when your class ended 5 minutes ago?...I think." I said pulling out my phone. "Well Professor Phitt let us out early due to him having to go home, so I thought it would be good to go get something to eat for us." He said walking over to the couch and sitting with his food. I grabbed my food and walked over sitting nexted to him. "Thanks. I appreciate it." We smiled at each other for a few minutes until I came to my senses. "Oh um...sorry." I said looking away blushing. "Its okay" he replied. We started eating and when we were finished we went to our rooms to chill.

I was lying on my bed playing a game on my phone when I heard a knock on my door. I sat up. "Come in." I said setting down my phone. I look up and saw Butch looking down at me. "What is it?" I asked. "Why were u in my room?" He asked in reply. My eyes widened as I looked up at him. How did he know I was in there? Did I leave something? Or did I leave something out of place? I was so confused. I opened my mouth to say something but he interrupted me. "U left your shoes in there." He said. I mentally face palmed. I'm a fucking moron!! How did I forget my damn shoes? "Well....I'm waiting." He said crossing his arms as he stared at me. I did the same as I looked up at him. "Its none of your damn business!" I yelled. "Umm..yes it is! Its my fucking room!" He yelled back. "Well whatever! I -" "No! Just shut the fuck up! I'm getting tired of u going in my room! I know u go in there when I'm not here! Why?!" "Well maybe I get bored!" I yelled get off my bed. "We have a huge TV, game stations, magazines, phones! How the fuck do u get bored?!" He yelled walking closer to me. "I just do!" I yelled until I was in front of him. We were silent for a minute as we stared at each other. I actually felt as if I was going to cry. I didn't really care though. I felt a warm wet tear fall down my cheek. I saw Butch's face soften as I walked past him and grabbed my shoes. I quickly pit them on and walked out. "Look! Bc I'm s-" "No just shut the fuck up! I'm leaving! I'll be back later!" I yelled. My voice cracking as tears started felling rapidly. I grabbed my bag and walked out the front door closing it behind me.
Hey my lovelies!! Hope u liked it! Believe it or not I typed this whole thing on my tablet. Yay!!! Well I gtg guys!! Bye my lovelies!!!

Even enemies can love each otherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें