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First of all : Hi !

(Book out on October first, contains 112 chapters and one chapter per day)

I wanted to write a book about two assholes, so I have to warn you about a lot of things, please read it before reading the story because if you get mad at the mc even if I warn you. I'm going to argue with you.

1- The male MC is a player. A real player, ok ? Not the type of guy who's going to fall in love after 2 chapters and 3 sex scenes.

2- Hell, she's maybe worse than the male MC. Our dear female MC is a player too. She doesn't think she needs a man to live her life, don't need anyone. She's not going to fall in love and play the dumb girl after 20 chapters ad 10 sex scenes.

3- The male MC he's very manipulative, he's going to play with the reader emotions, so try to not believe him (keep this point in your mind 'till the very end). Like I said, he's a player and a dumb man. He don't trust anyone and believe, women are just here to fuck. He doesn't really like brat and he likes when everyone respects and fear him.

4- The female MC, well, she's a bitch BUT she has her own reason, her own dark past. She's not going to play with the reader mind, but she's going to have fun with the MC mind. Playing with fire can be dangerous. She NEVER forgives, ok ? You can make little mistakes but if you dare to betrayal her she's not going to forgive you ok ? She's a brat and hates when someone gives her order.

5- The two of them are very, VERY stressful. I think y'all going to be mad at them 10000 times. They're going to keep fighting and flirting with each other but also with other people (you know, to make the other one jealous). Don't worry, at some point (or not) our couple are going to grow up and talk to each other without a gun. They're going to talk about their past and all. But what will happen next ?


7- That's kind of a love triangle, but not really. I cannot say more because its going to ruin the fun, but yeah. You can stay here even if you don't like it.

8- I think its the second important point for yall : so its not an enemy to lover. Well it is but more like : strangers to enemies ( to lovers ? ). Anyways they're not going to yell and try to kill each other during the beginning. So don't be mad, ok ? Don't worry and keep reading k ?.

9- I swear if some of you start playing the pick me girl i'm going to block you and I'm talking serious. I also hate double standards, so please don't praise the woman if y'all start shaming the man (just joking #hateallmen). Anyway, pick me going to be blocked.

10- Racist or homophobic comments will be deleted got it ? #Blacklivesmatter #Protectasianlifes #Prayforouïghours #FreePalestine #Asabisexualgirlidkany#forgaypoeple ( #pride ? )


Question :

Our girl Mc can fuck with anyone but she just want to date guys : is it disrespectful for the lgbtq+ community or not ? (I'm bi, dont get mad). Or does that have a name? She can fuck girls, guys, transsexuels.

Warning because stfu :

- Blood, torture, mafia things

-Abuse, violence, harassement.

-Racism, homophobia (i'm non of them and HATE it but y'all going to understand why it's here)

-Smut :

-Angry sex : a lot of.

-Kink : knives, bondage (handcuff, bed restrains...), bdsm ? (presence of safe words), role play maybe, group kink maybe, blindfolded, food sex, orgasm control, overstimulation,

TOUCH OF BITTERNESS (OUT IN OCTOBER) Where stories live. Discover now