Part 12

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Hours later
"Jordan" Billie says "yeah?" "Can I move in" she looks Down at me as I'm laying on her lap "uh- DUH THE FUCK but we only met a month ago don't you think we're moving to fast" "who cares. My parents know. Finneas knows why not"
"YESSS. Let's go pick your stuff up" we hoped in my car and went to her house.

"Wanna help me pack?"she asks me "sure" we knock on the door and her mom opens "mom?! I thought you had another week til you're back" Billie says "they let us off". "Oh hi Jordan. Come on in guys" we went up to her room and began packing

"Hey what's behind this sheet"I ask "that's my feelings wall or my dark wall. I write what I feel on there". I pull back the Luis Vuitton sheet to reveal a wall full of things written on it. From song lyrics, to deep words "damn Billie" I say "yea I don't look at that anymore. Too many memories". She says holding a shoe then throwing it into a box. I cover the wall back up and Finish packing

"And we. Are.. done!" Billie says "woohoo" I give her a high five "let's take these out to the car" I say. We both grab a box and put them in the back seat. We waved goodbye to Maggie and Patrick then left

"Hey.. what's in your jacket" I say pointing to her jacket "my tits" she smirks "I'm serious. Show me" I laugh and reach over unzipping her jacket "shark! Omg dude why did you get him" I say "he's our child" she put him on my lap "Billie, Billie get him off me I'm literally driving" he starts to lick my face and I move my head away while trying to keep my eyes on the road. "Hey hey hey. That's my girl. Don't kiss her" she takes shark off me and kisses me

We got home and we unloaded the stuff throughout the room. They weren't much anyways. we went back to our room and scrolled through Instagram "what time is it?" I ask "almost 12 why?" "I'm tireddd" "then let's sleep"she says. I turn off the leds and she gets cozy in my arms "you know sometimes I forget you're famous" I say "well you better believe it"

"hey that's my toast!" I say snatching it back "oh cmon I'm hungry" she whines "I'm kidding. Have it" I get up and kiss her head "what's the plan today"
"I have an interview at 12- OMG ITS 11 WE GOTTA GET GOING" she rushes upstairs and I go after her and get dressed


"Let's go. Finneas is waiting" she runs out the door and into the van with both her parents also there.we drove for an hour until we got to the place. They were setting up the cameras and lights

BILLIES POV (finally 😂)
Mins later
"Hey are we" the guy said "I'm great. I'm happy. I'm better than ever"I say "what can we expect from your upcoming music" these same old questions are getting annoying "um not much really but it is new to what I've put out" he asked the same questions like every other interview I've had

"here's a question from the fans. Are you dating someone"  he says. I see Jordan looking at me and she just shrugged " uhh I cannot confirm or deny that but I do have my eye out for someone" I say and Jordan sighs in relief "well, thank you for coming Billie" he says. The cameras turn off and I go back to Jordan

"you did great" I  said as we walk out the door "ugghh I fucking hate interviews. They get all up in your face with THOES dumbass questions" She grouched and we get into the car "what's up with her" Finneas asks Me  "she's in a mood" I say "am not" she slaps my arm "really?" I raise one eyebrow then look are her hand then face back and forth "whatever"  she puts her legs up and falls asleep
What did I do to deserve her

Another late update lmao. This is a short chapter Ik 😂

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