The first move

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Billie POV
8 am
I woke up and y/n is asleep. "Wow she's so pretty"
I sat in bed with her for a while until she woke up now it's 10 am and she woke up
"Good morning sunshine"
"Good morning Bils"
"How'd you sleep"
"Good" she says with her morning raspy voice
"I'll go get you some food, you can borrow some clothes from my closet if you want"
"Alright thx bil"
I go downstairs to get some bagels and avocados
"Morning mom"
"Good morning Billie"
"Where's dad"
"He's in the yard"
"Ok, I'm gonna take some bagels and avocados for y/n"
"Ok bils, and take shark with you to your room"
"Mkay, shark! Come here boy!"
I go back to my room and knock on the door
"Y/n, are you still changing?"
"Yea, you can come in tho"
I go in and shes wearing my "the world's a little blurry" sweat pants and her sports bra

"Oh wow they fit you well" I tell her
"Hah yea, but idk what shirt to wear"
"Um how bout this"
I pull out the matching shirt to the pants
"Oooo this is sick" she says. She puts it on and sits on my bed and I give her the bagel.
"Wow thx bil"
While she's eating, I was playing around with shark

Time skip because idk what else to do

Its 6 pm now and I'm going on a drive with Billie but she's not telling me where and I'm starting to get nervous

"billllllll just tell meeee"
"No can do 😌 just wait"
"Ughh fine" we drive more and we FINALLY STOP AFTER AN HOUR. We're at a cliff (if you know which one I'm talking about I love you <3) we got shark with us and Billie got her ukulele we get up on the hood of her car and watch the sunset. Billie starts playing the ukulele while she rests her head on my shoulder

I don't really mind the drive
but I think I'd rather die in Oakland in Oakland, with my hand on 2 and 10
so I guess it all depends on Oakland, on Oakland and I'm nervous, truth be told
I never saw me growing old

At this point I'm cuddling her while she sings and I start singing along

In Oakland, In Oakland
And if I married you tonight
It would probably start a riot
In Oakland, in Oakland
Foot on the gas
I'm just tryna pass
All the red lights
All the stop signs, I'm ready to go
Time:6:30 pm

We're listen to songs for a few minutes and you guessed it, girl in red starts playing. Billie slowly moves her hand to hold mine as the song plays

Looking at the stars
Admiring from a far
My girl,My girl,my girl, My girl
You will be my girl, my girl, my girl, myyy girl
You will be my world, my world, my world
My world. You will be my girl
Billies hand now interlocked with mine, I'm staring into her crystal blue eyes, she looks down at my lips and she leans, cups my face in her hands and kisses me
"I like you y/n, I like you a lot"
"I like you too bil"
I feel safe with Billie. She dropped me off at my house and ended the night.
"You can come over whenever you want" I tell Billie
"Ok, and you can too"
"Alright bye bils"
"Bye mamas"

Hellooo again this chapter was long af but I enjoyed making this chapter. The next part will be out in a few days 👍

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