The shooting

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"Get in bitch" my best friend Jade says. "Ok if you UNLOCK THE DOOOORRR MABYE I CAN" "someone's having a bad day"
"I'm not, I'm just trying to annoy you"
"Where do you wanna go" I ask "Um let's just drive around" "kk"
We drive around for about 10 minutes and we see an active shooter IN A VENUE
"HOLY SHIT" I say. People screaming bloody murder and running out of there like a swarm of bees. "DUDE CALL THE COPS" jade yells. "WHAT DO YOU THINK IM DOING"

911 what's your emergency
Hi um there's a shooting
Can you tell me the location
The LA venue, can you hurry up
We have officers on the way
Thank you

Then someone came up to the car, "HEY HEY" he says banging on the window. I opend the window "my sister, she needs help" he said panting as he points at his sister, "oh fuck" I said as I rushed out the car and carried her "Here get her beside the car" I told the brother. "Cmon stay with me billie" he says. "Wait did you just say Billie, as in Billie eilish". "Yea and I'm finneas" I couldn't recognize her because of all the blood and bruises on her. The cops arrived with three ambulances.
I turn around and jade already left. I carried Billie to one of the ambulances. We went with her. "Shes gonna be ok" I tell finneas as he freaks out . I looked down at all the blood and try not to cry. we arrived and they took Billie to the operation room immediately. I talked with finneas trying to calm him down

3 hours later
"Y/n, finneas" the doctor came out of the room
Finneas jump up and ran to the doctor
"is she ok PLEASE TELL ME SHES OK" he said
"She ok, she just resting right now. You can visit her if you want" me and finneas went to check on Billie

"Um hey Billie"
"Hey Finn" Billie says with a tired voice
"Who's that you got there and why is she here" Billie asks
"Oh hi I'm y/n and I helped get you over here"
"Wow thx I appreciate it, I would have been dead if it wasn't for you"

Holy shit this has to be a dream. Billie has been my idol for as long as I can remember, and I saved her life

"Hh no problem. You saved me. Your music got me through some shit 😅"
"I'm glad. Anyways you should go get the blood off your clothes" Billie says as I look down at my bloody shoes
"Alright I'll be back soon" I tell them

Billies POV
I can't believe she just saved me. How do I repay her. " hey Finn, do you think we can take y/n to our next show with us" "Um I'll have to talk to our team and see if their ok with it" Finn says "alright, sounds good"

Time skip
Y/n came back after a while all cleaned up and looking mad fine. "Hey Billie"
"Hi y/n. Love the fit"
"Hah thanks"
"Do you want to come to our next show with us" I ask
"Hell yea, ty"

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