Info About Joss and Draco

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1. I actually had written this for my younger sister's friend, Josslyn, who is twelve years old and even more obsessed with Draco than I am😭

2. Wtf happened to the font I am so sorry I'm literally going to cry why did it like change with some words tf

3. Matty and Cedric DID die In the battle of Hogwarts. Since Joss couldn't be at their funeral, Draco read a letter he found addressed to Matty in the room Joss had stayed in, in Malfoy Manor. She had written an apology letter to her and explained everything, but realized that she couldn't send it without endangering everything she and her dad had been working towards.

4. Draco buried Josslyn's body with the seed of a Lemon Tree. He has visited every day since her death, and has a picture of him sitting under it hanging in his living room. It's right next to a picture they took the night they got wasted together. In the picture Draco's hair is in a tiny ponytail in the front of his head, Joss has the punch bowl on her head and is dripping wet (Draco dumped the punch on her it on her.) They've got glow sticks around their necks, shot glasses in their hands, and they both are holding their arm with their dark mark up. Josslyn's  mark was SOMEHOW turned into a dick with a sharpie marker (*coughs* Draco *coughs again)

5. Later in life, Draco adopts a Bernese Mountain Dog and names her Mae (Joss's middle name)

6. Draco names his kids Maverick and Candy.

7. Draco has the Good Bye letter Josslyn wrote him (the one is one of the chapters I forget exactly which) framed in his kitchen. He also kept her robe, and keeps it tucked away in a bin under his bed.

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