Chapter 16

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~12 years later~

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were 34 years old and now had three children, Rainbow wanted two more but Applejack reminds her plenty of times that they have time to have two more before menopause Zohra and Ashley were 12 years old and their little brother Flash Cider 5 years old

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"Mum, dad, we won a trophy again" said Ashley "And all thanks to my exceptional strength" said Zohra with a smirk "Maybe but I am more agile than you" said Ashley "This is really your daughters" Aj told to Rainbow "Yeah that's my girls, the same character and tomboys like me" Rainbow said "And me, I am not your son" said Flash with tears in his eyes "But if you are his son" said Aj carrying him "It's just that your sisters are the same as your father, they are tomboys like your dad- "" What is a tomboy? "he asks" She's a girl who has boyish characters or dresses like a boy ""And in addition today there are girls who flirt with us" said Zohra proudly "Okay come with me my big boy let's see if dinner is ready for us to eat and we'll even bake a chocolate cake to congratulate your sisters" said Aj "Yeah a chocolate cake" said Flash running to the kitchen "So my daughters are flirtatious" Rainbow teases "We got that from you" said Ashley "Yeah but above all take your time, one day you are going to meet the woman of your life and when you want to break up make it clear" "But you are one of the most famous players and you have a lot of female fans. Mom, isn't she jealous?" Asks Zohra "No because your mother trusts me" "You are lucky to have found mum" said Ashley "That's what I tell myself every day" said Rainbow The doorbell rang and Zohra went to open the door to see their parents' friends "Dad, come here," said Zohra "You grew up you and Ashley" said Sunset "Yeah we know" Dash arrived and took in his arms all his friends "where are Jackie and Flash" asks Pinkie "In the kitchen making a chocolate cake besides, you have to warn her that you are there as you are going to eat with us" "We're going to help them" said Rarity following Pinkie "Daddy, can we invite a friend?" Asks Ashley "Yes if you want" "Awesome" said Zohra and Ashley

12 years later they are all still united like a real family and nothing can break their bond and Every night Rainbow thanks the sky for giving her their wonderful children and fabulous wife it was their whole story.

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