Chapter 10

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POV Rainbow

what a beautiful day, my wife gave birth, Zohra and Ashley are so cute, no one could spoil my day."So Dashie, you're excited that they come back?"Said Pinkie "Yeah, I want to see the three women I will protect until death" "And to celebrate, Rainbow Dash is going to take us all to Mcdonald's and pay for us "said Sunset with a smirk."You're lucky I'm in a good mood.""So let's go" said Pinkie taking my hand and Sunset's hand


After paying for all of our McDonald's orders, we finally got home and decided to eat by the pool until I got a call when I saw the name it just got me chilled. I grabbed Sunset and Pinkie and took them away in a room, I showed them my phone "Pick up and put on speaker" said Sunset

~Call with Gilda~

-Rainbow, I discovered a lot of things

-Awesome ! Alright, do you think you can come over to my place?

-Yes I'm coming right away


~End of call with Gilda~

"Dashie, not telling Applejack is one thing but we need to talk to Twilight, Rarity and Caramel about it before Gilda arrives" "You're right Pinkie let's go"


"HOW DID YOU DARE TO HIDE THIS FROM US?" Rarity said hitting me."Ouch, I know I should have told you at the same time but at least you now know" "Yes but Rainbow, Applejack will one day know"said Twilight "I know but not now she has suffered so much because of Fluttershy I don't want to see her suffer" I said feeling my tears in my eyes until the door knocked."Enter Gilda" "thank you Rainbow" "So Rainbow, I discovered that the person behind the instagram account lives in this city and that apparently this person intends to do something very soon and that's not all she would have found a ring that would contain a powerful magic more powerful than yours necklace"

"Enter Gilda" "thank you Rainbow" "So Rainbow, I discovered that the person behind the instagram account lives in this city and that apparently this person intends to do something very soon and that's not all she would have found a ring that would...

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"Yes I have heard about it before, this ring can take away all the love from a person and make them amnesic or quite simply this ring can be an apocalyptic weapon for our universe"said Twilight."So how are we supposed to stop this over-trendy ring?" Asks Rarity "Our necklaces are connected and apparently inside there would be a rainbow drop and if we mix them with drops of blood it will give us powers infinite " "How do you know all this Egghead?" "The studies" "And where are we going to find blood?" Asks Caramel."Me if you want I will donate my blood" "Gilda you're sure you don't have to imagine the legend of Twilight is wrong" "Don't worry and it'll be a way of forgiving me about our relationship "" It's more up to me to apologize to you "Gilda smiled at me and I smiled back at her" HUG "said Pinkie hugging Rainbow Dash and Gilda" Go on Twilight take my blood ""Twilight you thought we didn't have Fluttershy and Applejack's necklace" said Sunset "I took Fluttershy's one because it's beautiful" said Rarity "And I took Aj's when she changed clothes in the hospital"Twilight took our rainbow drops and Gilda's blood and mixed them together it created an explosion and when I opened my eyes me and the girls shine even Caramel and Gilda shine yet they are not connected to the necklace

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