Chapter 9

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~August 10~

POV Applejack:

It will be almost 10 months since I have this pregnancy which means I will soon give birth to my two beautiful daughters.We decided to name them Zohra and Ashley Dash.I was bored because I was all alone in the room the others were in the living room tidying up the babies' things, Caramel and Rainbow had finished the room two months ago.Suddenly I felt contractions and each time it got stronger which means I'm going to give birth today or it's fake again ?"AAAH RAINBOW SOMEONE HELP ME I HAVE AAH CONTRACTIONS"The first to arrive is Caramel "Applejack don't worry the girls are putting things in the car" He carried me and put me next to Rainbow "Come on Aj don't worry the hospital is not far "Rainbow told me

~2 minutes later~

Caramel pulled me out of the car while Rainbow warned the doctors, I was put on a stretcher and Rainbow was holding my hand.

POV Normal :

"Go push I see the head" a doctor said to Applejack as Rainbow encouraged her too "I CAN DO IT AAAH" Applejack pushed with all his might and managed to get one twin out but had to regain strength to get the second out.The first twin who cried was taken to get cleaned while her mother gave birth to her sister."Come on Aj you managed to get one out you are strong" said Rainbow "Yes I will SUCCEED" She pushed until she heard crying "Rainbow I did" said Applejack with a weak voice and a smile "Yes you did and I think I'm happy to have a cock because I would never have endured pain like that""Here are your daughters" said the doctor giving them to Applejack "What do you want them to be called?"Applejack was so focused on her daughters that she didn't answer the question "We had planned that the first one would be called Ashley and the second Zohra but which one came out first?" Said Rainbow "She's the one in the right arm of your wife "" It will be hard to differentiate them "" No looked at, there is one who has a longer face and if I understood correctly it is Zohra because it is the second who came out ""Thank you so much for helping me give birth" said Applejack "It's my job and I have a question would you rather stay in the hospital to recover or do you want to go home?""I think I'll stay in the hospital for a day or two do you mind Rainbow?""Of course not you have the right to have rest"


"They are beautiful" say Rarity and Pinkie "Will they take on their mother's adorable character or their father's explosive character?" Sunset said."They can have the character of their mother and be 100/100 awesome like their father" said Rainbow with a smirk."Well it's time to come home congratulations again Aj" said Twilight "Goodbye my beauties" said Rainbow Dash kissing the three women who matter most in his life. Everything is going well in their life ...for the moment

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