Chapter 5

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Hi in this chapter there will be a big part about Pinkie who finds out that Rainbow and Sunset are close (as a friend) and makes her sad to know that she is not Rainbow's closest friend when normally they are all best friends and the other part on Appledash (obviously) and I take this opportunity to wish you happy easter (I'm late I know) kisses

POV Rainbow:

Sunset and I decided to make a joke by waking them up abruptly

"RAINBOW, SUNSET I SWEAR THAT IF YOU DONE THIS I WILL SHOOT MY HEELS IN YOUR THROATS"yells Rarity "I thought it was Pinkie and Rainbow who liked to make this kind of joke" says Twilight "Do you remember when Rainbow and Sunset scared Pinkie and she urinated" says Applejack laughing.

POV Pinkie:

"Yeah me and Sunset are the funniest and coolest ones," says Rainbow That's what she said about both of us before "Well, come we made breakfast"says Sunset "Are you coming sugarcube?" Jackie asks me "Cousin, I feel like Rainbow and Sunset are getting close like Rainbow and I were before " "You can make jokes with both of them. Rainbow and Sunset may be the coolest but you are the funniest" "You really think ?" "I am the element of honesty" "Babe, Pinkie, are you coming?" Rainbow shouts downstairs "Yes we're coming Dashie" I said hugging Jackie


"Darlings I don't know about you but I want to go to the beach"says Rarity "We can go"says Caramel

~At the beach 2:05 p.m.~:

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