New girls in school

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Joxx POV

I woke up and I immedietly fell back down. It's the first day of school and I'm already dying! I was never a morning person and I never will be one. Shame. I got up and headed to my bathroom, yikes I looked like a mess. I think it was from last night, seriously moving boxes is a lot of work and plus I didn't get to shower. So I took a shower than I took a shit, nah just kidding, I don't do that kind of stuff. I washed my face and applied make up on like any other girl would do. I decided to go for the smokey eye this time, I've always loved that! I also applied some bronzer and red lipstick on. What can I say? I want to look good on the first day. I straightned my short blue hair, I cut it a few days ago and I must admit, it looks awesome. I went back to my bedroom and put on a Arctic Monkeys crop top, some black ripped skinny jeans and very black combat boots. I was planning on putting a leather jacket on but then I realized that I now live in Australia and what I persume is super hot at the moment so I just left it there, on my bed, crying. I love my leather jacket.

I walked downstairs to eat some breakfast. Lets face it, bacon and eggs are perfection. No joke, like seriously they are super good, specially the ones that my mum makes.

"Don't you want something to drink?" Ana said, she's my older sister.

"Nah, I'm good"

"Well suit yourself" She said

"Oh shit, I need to get Soso!"

"Then go!"

I left the house in a hurry, I don't know why but then it hit me. Soso always gets late and I always end up waiting in the car for like 30 minutes but not this time, new country, new Soso I guess. I got in my car and yeah 10 seconds later I was in front of her house. It might sound stupid but it's worth it. I honked the car and Soso jumped right in.

"Well someone is in a good mood today" I said

"I'm not"

"Then how come you got in here so fast?"

"Let's just say new country, new me"

Told you.

She didn't even look that bad because usually she would go for the sweatpants and over sized sweatshirts but today it looks like she decided to dress up a little. She was wearing a Green Day muscle tee and black skinny jeans with black vans. She also put her hair in a high messy pony tail in which I have to admit it looks very good on her. She also had this black smugged eyeliner thing going on and black mascara, she didn't like to put foundation on and I won't judge her because she doesn't have that much acne and she doesn't wear lipstick. Not bad Soso, not bad.

I started driving and literally one second later she asked me the question in which I hoped she would never ask me:

"What do you think about our neighbors?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh c'mon Joxx, I saw the way you looked at them, specially Luke" She was giving me her usual evil smirk.

"Fine, I find them quite attractive..." I whispered, she usually teases me about these kind of things

"Say it louder"

"I find them quite attractive" I said normally this time


"I FIND THEM ATTRACTIVE" I pretty muched yelled this time and I also think that everyone in the street could hear me and they were giving me this weird look.

"Not that loud"

I honestly find her really annoying sometimes. She makes me do these weird and stupid ass things and I always end up by making a fool of myself.

The UnexpectedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ