"Get... out.." Percy grunted.

"You have lost" Voldemort said through Percy. His friends looked with shock at him and at each other.

"No.. you have" Percy panted. "Get.. out."

"Power.. so much power running through these veins." Voldemort said.

"I said get out!" Percy almost yelled.
Percy blocked every memory from him. Every access. He had to get him out.

Then he was. Percy gasped for breath and
Voldemort leaned over him.

"It was nice to meet my grandson. We will see each other again." He said with a grin and disappeared.

"Percy!" Annabeth hugged Percy fiercely. He hugged her back and closed his eyes.

"How bad?" He asked his friends standing close.

"9 kids of the school didn't survive.. And 2 campers died protecting the young ones from monsters inside the school." Nico told him.

"Percy, It's not your fault. And you managed to save this school." Hazel said.

Percy knew that but he still felt like he could have done more to prevent it.

"Can you stand ?" Annabeth asked.

Percy nodded but wasn't sure.
He tried but his knees buckled. Frank and Jason were by his side immediately to help him.

When Percy stood he noticed that almost the entire school was there watching Percy as he walked by.

"Percy, let's go to the big hall." Professor McGonagall said. They followed her and walked into the hall.
It was already filled with campers and students.

Campers cheered as they saw Percy walk inside.
Camp Jupiter had also joined the fight.

Reyna smiled at Percy as she let het arm being bandaged by an daughter of Apollo.

There were many wounded. But they would survive.

Percy needed to sit down. He sat down on a table.
He felt dizzy and hissed as he felt the pain in his torso.

"Let me get Will." Nico said and walked away.

A couple seconds he returned with the blonde Apollo kid. Will greeted Percy and asked him where he had pain.

"Well my eyebrows don't hurt." Percy said.

"Show me.." Will said. He knew something was wrong. He always knew. His eyes already on Percy's stomach.

Percy sighed an took of his shirt.

There were gasping sounds from not just from his friends. Percy knew it was bad.

"Percy.." Annabeth said hand on her heart other hand reaching for him.

He looked down.
Where he was hit with the death curse was now a huge burning wound. It would leave a huge scar on his heart.
It was almost a lightning bold but horizontal. Which made it more look like a wave.

The stab wound in his shoulder and side were still there. The water had healed most of the small wounds and bruises.

He was still covered in cuts and bruises.
But the water had helped. A lot.

"You are crazy. We all knew it. But now it is officially a fact. You should have died fighting with these wounds!"
Will scolded him. "For the next month there will be no training, no fighting, no capture the flag. Nothing. You hear me." Will almost yelled. The hall was almost quiet.
Looking at what was going on.

Percy just smiled lazily.
"You got it doc." Percy said.

"Percy.." Harry stepped to him. "Not to be rude or anything but how are you still sane?" He asked.

Percy laughed. "I lost my sanity a long time ago."

"He is serious. When you tao were in that dome with Voldemort he did the cruciatus curse for a long time on you. Nobody would just walk away from that like you did.." Hermione said. She shot a glance at Nevile who was shooting glances at Percy. Like he wanted to talk to him but was too shy.

"I don't know. Maybe the godly side helps? Sorry.." he said. Making a mental note to talk to Nevile after things are cooled down.

"Hold still let me try and heal your wounds a bit." Will said.

Annabeth held Percy's hand.
They were together. That was all that mattered right now.

Myth and magicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon