252 11 2

Recap:Preeti tends to pick up the file..

Suddenly a little boy comes there and picks it and gives

To Preeti..Preeti smiles..

Preeti:dii..how are you feeling now...?



Ananya and Arjun comes down and sees Sanjay and

Ravinder are angry..

Sanjay:Ananya..I got to know this..if I know this one first

Only..then I will not let it happen..

Ananya:bhai..it's completed leave it..

Sanjay:how could I..?this man married you to just break

Your heart..

Ananya:I know bhai and I also know he only loves Arohi..

This hits Arjun...he tries to control his tears..

Sanjay:then divorce him and come with me..

Ananya:no bhai..I cannot..I accepted that he is my husband

And Arushi is my daughter..

Sanjay:what the hell..?come with me..

Ananya:I hope you will leave soon from your sister's

In law's house..

Ananya leaves from there..Arjun follows her..

Arjun:why cant you leave..?

Ananya:that's none of your business..and I do wanted

To stay here..

Arjun:why..?you do know right you will never get the love

Which you expect from me..

Ananya:I knew and I dont need also..I will just stay here as

Arushi's maa..

She leaves from there..

At evening,

Ananya was reading a book..Arjun comes there..

Arjun:Ananya.. tomorrow is arushi's birthday..I do wanted

You to help me in surprising her..

Ananya:is it..I will help you..what should I do..?

Arjun:we can get some toys and decoration material..

Ananya nods..they both leaves..

Ananya and Arjun buy some toys..

Ananya:iam hungry..shall we go to house as soon as


Arjun:ok but if you are hungry we can have at restaurant..


Arjun stops the car at restaurant..Ananya and Arjun sits..

Arjun:what will you eat..?shall I order noodles??as it is your


Ananya:no..that's not my favourite now..

Arjun:but according to me that's your favourite right..

Ananya:not everything remains same..with time my choices


Arjun:yes I can see clearly..

Arjun and Ananya have tears in their eyes..

They have food and leaves to house..

At midnight,

They surprises Arushi..

Ananya and Arjun: happy birthday Arushi..

Arushi hugs them happily..

They brings cake..everyone comes there..

Anjana:you both hold her hand and cut cake..as she

Doesn't know..

Ananya and arjun looks at each other..Arjun holds arushi's

Hand..ananya holds Arjun's..they cut the cake..Arjun

And Ananya look at each other..Arushi feed the cake to


Arushi:Mumma..papa now you feed each other..

Arjun and Ananya looks again at each other..they both

Feeds cake to each other...

Everyone smiles..

            STAY TUNED..!

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