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Recap:Arohi cuts her wrist..

Ananya gets shocked seeing Arohi like that..she calls

The doctor..doctor comes...doctor do first aid and comes


Ananya crying:doctor..how is aru..?

Doctor:no need to worry..she is fine..you called me at

Correct time if not both mother and baby would be in


Ananya gets shocked..earth displaces beneath her feet..

Ananya doesnt utter a word..only tears roll down from her


Doctor:ohk take care of her..I will leave..

Doctor leaves..Ananya sits down and cries..she slowly goes

Towards Arohi..Arohi regains consciousness..she sees Ananya

Crying and understands..

Arohi:iam sorry dii..that is why I thought to make myself

Free from this world..I can't make your life worse for my

Sake selfishly..

Ananya doesnt utter any word..she wipes her tears..

Ananya:no need of any explanation..I know what happened..

You first take medicine and sleep..

Arohi:but dii..let me say..

Ananya makes Arohi have medicine..due to medicine affect

Arohi sleeps..Ananya comes down..she sees Arjun coming

Inside the house as she called Arjun to come when Arohi

Tried suicide..

Arjun:what happened Ananya..?is everything alright..?

Is Arohi fine..?

Ananya nods looking directly into his eyes with no expression..

Arjun:did you got the reason for why do Arohi attempted


Ananya looks at him..

After 24 hours,

It was wedding day of Arjun and Ananya..Ananya gets

Ready in her room..Anjana comes for taking her..

Anjana:Arjun is so good..don't worry he will take care of


Anjana takes Ananya downstairs and makes Ananya sit

In the mandap..Saurabh comes running there..

Saurabh:ma..bhai is not present in his room..

Everyone gets shocked..Ananya stands up in her place..

Suddenly car sound comes..they gets shocked seeing Arjun

And Arohi holding eachother hands and was in bridal

Attire..they tends to come inside..Anjana stops them..

Anjana:what is this Arjun..?

Arjun:maa..can't you see I married Arohi..

Mallika comes angrily towards Arohi..

Mallika:how dare you to cheat your sister..?

She tends to slap..Arjun holds her hand..

Arjun:you cannot slap her as she is my wife..and she

Is pregnant..

Everyone gets shocked..Ananya slowly cries..

Sushant:what the hell Arjun..?how did you thought that

We will accept this..Ananya is this house's daughter in law

And will be..how could you make fun of marriage..

Anjana:Arjun..you do have only two options..break this

Marriage or leave this house for forever..

Arjun:I can't leave her hand as now she is my wife..

He holds arohi's hand..

Anjana:Iam sorry Ananya..that day I should listen to your

Father and should abort her..I have only one daughter and

Son..my another daughter was dead for me..

Arohi shatters..

Sanjay:that is why I said Ananya..don't love her much..

I know she is like a snake and one day she will show her

True colours with how much love you would take care..

Dada:Arjun..get lost with her from here..

Arjun takes Arohi with him..Ananya breaks down..she

Gets up and wipes her tears..she runs towards her room and

Everyone goes back of her..she closes the door and sits down

Crying..everyone knock at the door...

               STAY TUNED..!

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