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Recap:Arjun leaves from there with Arushi..


Ananya makes breakfast for herself and Preeti..

They have their breakfast..

Ananya:iam going to hospital for check up..take care..

Preeti:dii..shall I also come..?

Ananya nods..both of them leaves to hospital..


Arjun was sitting on couch and was reading newspaper..

He doesn't watch TV which is on..

Ananya and Preeti are stopped in the way as there is

Traffic..they see everyone Formed as crowd..

Preeti:dii..you stay here only as it will be risk for you..

I will see..

Preeti:what happened here..?

Someone:someone killed someone brutually...so police

Were coming..

Preeti says this to Ananya..they feel bad and stands there..

Press comes there.. unknowingly they also show Ananya

While covering there..Arjun was watching same channel

And was heading news..he tends to see..he sees preeti as

She covers Ananya..

Arjun:Preeti..why is she in Mussoorie..

Suddenly preeti's bf comes there..

Let me clear preeti's bf is Anshuman who is Arjun's

Secretary..Arjun and Preeti know each other..as Preeti

Is Arjun's employee..

Anshuman:good morning sir..

Arjun:why is Preeti in mussorie..?

Anshuman:sir woh..

Arjun:we can discuss in office..

They both leaves from there..Ananya and Preeti too

Leaves for the hospital..

Anshuman:sir we broke up..she isn't listening..I said

I love her but she said she doesn't love me..

Arjun remembers Ananya...

Arjun:did she looked into your eyes and said that she

Doesn't love you..

Anshuman nods no..

Arjun:then she definitely love you..something is stopping

Herself to confront her feelings..

Anshuman:but sir..

Arjun:same thing happened with me Anshuman..don't

Repeat it..I did the mistake and lose the person..I don't

Want to you too lose to..


Ananya finishes checkup and comes outside and sees

Preeti being tensed..

Ananya:what happened..?

Preeti:what did doctor said..?how was the baby..

Ananya:seems like you are so excited..?


Ananya: actually doctor said that she will give reports

After 1hour..so we need to wait..

Preeti:until then why can't you say your story..I mean

Iam sorry..

Ananya:it's ok..I will continue..

She smiles..

Preeti gets call from her parents..she leaves to answer..

Suddenly Ananya sees someone looking at her from a

Corner..she slowly goes towards there..her heart beat raises..

She touches the corner.. suddenly a joker costume guy

Shouts and Ananya gets scared..she shouts and ananya

Gets lack of breath and she breaths heavily..listening

Her shout Preeti comes there..she holds Ananya..she makes

Her sit..she takes tablets and gives to Ananya.. suddenly

Ananya's file falls down..Ananya gets relieved..file was

Open and Arjun's name was written as baby's father..

Preeti tends to pick the file..


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