Information about Y/N

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Age:Used to be 17 but now is 6 almost 7.

personality:smart,calm,kind,hair floats when mad,has a big attitude,stubborn.

Likes:Ramen,friends,reading,training,likes calling sasuke a duckbut,Likes Kushina.

Dislikes:Not Eating ramen,His mom well her now,vegetables,and when people say hair is weird.

Appearance:you have h/c hair and e/c,you also have red highlights on your hair,you also have a birthmark on your back,you also have skin paler then snow.

Abilities:Sakuras Strength in the shippuden,medical jutsu,Flying God Jutsu,Wood Style,Chidori,Rasengan.

Charka Affinity:Wood,Lighting,Wind.

{PS this is my first book on Wattpad i also wanted to write a book and here I am.I know it may be bad at the beginning but hey I'm pretty sure I can improve in the future,Until then stay save!Wait before I go im pretty sure you may be confused why even though the character used to be a boy well the thing is you got over it pretty fast since your in Naruto,plus everything was animated so you liked how you looked.Sorry if you were confused about that,And your not a senju you will find out why you have Wood style later on.

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