45 - Midnight and Texts

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Noah was scrolling through the comments, reading and responding to them when Sabrina liked his comment and liked his post.

She tried reaching out to him, but he wouldn't answer. He looked up at Laura and Maya.

He looked down at his hands. It was red from the fall.

He got up and washed his hands.

There were some cuts and scratches from the fall. It bled quite a bit earlier but it slowly stopped as time went on. His elbow was the part that bled the most and still bled.

"Is your elbow okay?" Laura asked.

Noah glanced over his shoulder.

"Oh, yeah," he lied. "It's fine. Don't worry," he gave her a reassuring smile.

Laura hesitated for a moment but accepted his answer before rejoining Joey and Maya in the living room.

The doorbell rang and Danielle came in.

She had bought a few things on her way over to help with the bleeding on Noah's shoulder.

"Thanks," Noah said, relieved.

HIs elbow still hurt, but not as much as it did before Danielle fixed it.

"You better clean it often," Danielle said, "to avoid anything worse from happening."

Noah nodded.

"If this idiot doesn't listen," Danielle turned to Laura and Maya, "take it upon yourselves to clean it."

Laura and Maya nodded.

"Hey, how come you didn't tell me to clean it?" Joey said, from the couch.

"Are you really going to clean it if Noah doesn't?" Danielle asked, giving him a mother look would give her kid.

"Good point," Joey said.

Danielle gave him a look before hugging the four of them goodbye and heading back home.

"You heard her," Laura said. "Either you clean it yourself or we'll force you too."

Noah nodded.

"You won't have to do anything," Noah said. "I'm pretty sure my dad would kill me if I didn't do anything to the cut."

Around two am, Laura and Maya left.

Maya took Laura back to her apartment and Noah and Joey went to bed.

The following morning, Noah and Joey woke up quite late.

Joey headed to campus and Noah went to set to film. He thankfully had a late call time so he didn't have to stress too much about sleeping little and having to go to set really late.


I wont stop texting you
until you answer
my fucking texts

I answered
now stop

we need to talk

no we dont

come on
we need to talk

fine 🙄

I didn't mean it like that
about you cant move on
and I can
im sorry


do you like Laura

she and I are just friends

thats what we said
about each other
and we dated for a few

this is completely different
plus even if I did like
her I wouldn't do anything
about it
and I wont post about it
especially when people
are going after her for
being my friend

oh right
we need to get the
fans to stop

tell me about it
how about
we go on instagram live
one of us goes live then
the other joins
and we tell everyone
to fuck off
and leave Laura alone

good idea
I'll go live on my account
and you join


when do you have
time to go live?
the only time I have is
tomorrow and Wednesday

I cant tomorrow
I have a shit ton of
work tomorrow

sounds good
what time?

umm 1:30??



okay I gotta go


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