21 - February

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February began and Noah found himself working on a new movie as well as going to college. He got a schedule worked out so he can still go to his classes and work on the project.

Seeing how busy he was going to be, Noah ended up moving out of the dorm and moving back in with Frank and Rose.

Joey ended up getting a new roommate since Noah moved out.

Joey's new roommate seemed nice, but he was rarely in the dorms.

Noah drove to campus for his classes before he headed to set. Noah made sure to have his classes in the morning so he can finish them and head to set and work on his new show and work on his school work there when he wasn't filming.

Noah met up with Joey and Maya at Starbucks before they headed to their first class together. The three were taking an elective together. Liz would have taken the class with them, but she had a class for her major at the same time as the class.

"Hey," Noah yawned.

"Hey, Noah," Maya said.

Joey stretched and said, "Hey. How was set yesterday?"

"It was a long day," Noah said. "I didn't get home until one in the morning. And I got up at six am to come here."

"Oh shit," Joey said.

Noah nodded. "I am exhausted. I hare that this class is so early."

"Me too," Maya agreed. "Come on, guys. Class is going to start in ten minutes. It'll take us eight minutes to get there."

Noah and Joey nodded and followed Maya to the building. They had their coffees with them.

After class ended, Noah and Maya got breakfast as they headed to their next class.

Joey left to meet up with Liz to eat breakfast together before heading to their class.

When Noah finished his classes for the day, he said goodbye to his friends and headed to his set.

He began working one his homework until he was called to film his scene. He managed to finish a good amount of his homework and turn it in online by the end of the day.

Thankfully, he didn't get home as late as he did the previous night and finished up the homework he had left.

He was able to go to sleep before midnight and woke up at the same time he did that day and headed to campus.

He headed to get breakfast before he met with Maya, Liz and Joey at Starbucks for coffee.

They had their class that day together and headed there together before Noah had to head to his next class and headed to set.

Thankfully, Noah's long days were on Tuesdays and Thursdays and on Monday's, Wednesdays and Friday's, it were shorter days and was able to work on his show longer.

The weekend rolled around and Joey had come over to hang out for a bit before heading back to campus.

Noah was relieved that he doesn't have to work during the weekend or on Monday.

Rose had gone to a friends house while Frank was at work.

Noah and Joey ended up going live on Noah's Instagram.

"People are joining," Joey said, holding Noah's phone.

He ran his hand through his hair.


"Uh - huh," Joey nodded. "Hey, look, Liz joined.

"She did?" Noah said.

Noah walked over to Joey and looked over his shoulder.

"Hey, Liz!" Noah said, smiling.

Noah and Joey saw Liz say hi on the live chat.

"Geez, how many people are joining?" Joey laughed. 

"A lot," Noah laughed as well. 

"Shit, man," Joey said, running his hand through his hair again.

"Guys, this is Joey," Noah said to the people who joined the Instagram live. "We were roommates last semester and my best friend in college."

"Why are you living in the dorms?" Joey read.

"Oh, I'm just really busy with work," Noah explained. "I didn't think it was fair to Joey if I lived in the dorms and spent most of my time working and all that, so... I moved out."

"My new roommate is nice," Joey said. "But we don't have the same relationship as Noah and I have."

Noah nodded. "He's cool though."

"Yeah," Joey agreed.

They read the live chat. 

Noah took a deep breath as he read the comments asking whether or not he and Sabrina are together. 

"Guys, Sabrina and I are not dating," Noah said, finally, after avoiding the question for so long. "We are just friends."

Noah and Joey tried their best to avoid answering anything Sabrina related but it go to the point where it was unavoidable. Noah had to address it.

"Hey, Joe, Liz just sent you a text," Noah said.

"Really? What did she say?" Joey asked.

"She says she's on her way," Noah said.

"Great!" Joey said. 

"Yeah," Noah smiled. "The more the merrier. She also said to not end the live. She wants to say hi everyone when she gets here."

"Look at the comments," Joey said. "They're all saying how they wanna see Liz."

Noah laughed as he appeared on the live again and read the comments.

Joey set Noah's phone on the desk and had it lean against Noah's water bottle.

"Hey, look, Tom joined," Noah said.

"Wait, Tom Holland?" Joey said. "Spider - Man's on here?"

"Yeah," Noah laughed.

Noah accepted Tom's request to join the live.

"Hey, Tom!" Noah said.

"Hey," Tom said.

"This is Joey," Noah said.

"Hi, Spider - Man!" Joey said. 

"Hey, Joey!" 

They talked to Tom for a little bit before he had to leave.

Noah and Joey answered questions that Noah's fans sent in the live chat.

Liz soon came and answered questions with Noah and Joey.

"What are you guys majoring in?" Noah read one of the questions in the live chat.

"Oooh, I'm double in Political Science and International Relations," Joey said.

"I'm majoring in Civil Engineering," Liz said.

"Uh - huh," Noah nodded. "I'm an acting major."

"Must be nice to be an acting major," Liz said.

Noah smiled. 

Noah accepted some requests from his friends and cast members. They had ordered food and ate on the live as they talked and answered questions. 

They were on live for another hour and a half before they ended it.

Noah saved the live so people can watch it later. 

Liz and Joey left to go back to campus. 

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