Chapter Two

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Ayana's Pov
"Mom! Look can we mix it?" I turned my attention away from the flour, keeping the bowl close watching the two run towards me looking very excited. A soft giggle left my lips as I held the dark bowl close before nodding handing the bowl to Frye before handing the spoon over to Freyr.

"Of course sweeties, make sure to mix it well so when we put it over the hot stove it will actually bake, and make sure to save some for your dad and sister you know they like cake too." I brushed my hands across their cheeks with a grin, seeing the mischievous gaze, but none the less they agreed.

I stood back making sure they didn't accidentally spill the mixture. For most days I did my best to ignore my dreams, resulting in me pretending to be asleep for most nights left me be, but very energized in the mornings as well.

Today it was a day with me and the boys staying inside cooking whatever their hearts desires which usually was cakes, breads, meats all the things they enjoyed. Ivar took the time to actually go train with Rúne a bit.

"You know your uncle Hvitserk enjoys food a lot too, all he did was eat apples." I chuckled shaking my head a couple times cleaning off my hands with the bucket of water drying my hands off roughly.

"Oh we know mom, he taught us how to steal food from the kitchen at night." A hard snort tore through me, rubbing at my neck a couple times.

"Why am I not surprised at all." I spoke through my laughter, I walked back over to them helping them place the hot pot over the hot stove over the flames.

"Don't stand too close to it," I gently scolded them, but a few short loud knocks on the door had us both looking in confusion.

"That can't be dad and sister they said they would be back by night fall." Frye whined out louder then ever. I ranked my head a few times before chuckling a little.

"No I know who it might be, be good you two." I walked my way over to the front door.

"We will!" I unlocked the door yanking open to see the young male with shoulder length hair, very bright green eyes. Wonder why his name was Sky. He jumped back a little startled like. I watched him gulp looking me up and down a few times.

"I... You must be Rúne's mother Ayana?" He questioned, he seemed very very nervous, more then normal nervous either. I cracked a smile.

"That would be me, yes you must be Sky. Don't worry I'm not gonna yell at you, it's really not me you should be afraid of its Ivar." I lead the young male in the boys were sitting in front of the fire their eyes watching curious like.

"Ivar.. As in Ivar The Boneless the most feared viking?" I chuckled brushing off my dress a few times.

"Yes that Ivar, he's gotten a little better over the years, let's hope old habits die hard." I giggled gesturing for him to sit down which he did.

"Mom who is this?" Freyr asked with a small whine getting up moving over to hug me tightly which I return rubbing at his back in reassurance.

"This is Sky, your sisters boyfriend." Frye made a small face, as he spoke rubbing at his light brown cheeks.

"Rúne has a boyfriend? How did she manage that when she falls on her face every five seconds." He grumbled out, they both started laughing causing me to roll my eyes playfully a bit stroking at Freyr's hair pulling his brown curls from his eye sight a bit.

"But I'm asking on like a serious note, if you hurt her, I think dad will kill you." Frye remarked out, laughing nervous like. I saw Sky visually gulp.

"I wouldn't dream of hurting her... She's a very sweet girl. But ma'am I am curious since the rumors of you all arriving here years ago... Would that mean you are queen Ayana of Kattegat?" I stared at him a little holding my breath a bit. I haven't heard that title in a long long while.

"I... Well that is a title I haven't had in a super long time actually, I had to drop that title when Bjorn took over Kattegat." I chuckled nervous like, messing with my hair bit.

"But correct that's me." I answered yet again.

"Our mom is a queen, you better respect her or, off with your head." I lightly smacked at the back of his head laughing a little.

"They aren't serious I'm not that way at all, but I am happy you came to meet me first, so I can just slowly ease you into it all." I hummed a little tilting my head as well.

It's odd... I don't think anyone has ever really pointed out who me and Ivar were before, but then again perhaps anyone would be too afraid to.

After a while the twins just decided to just ask Sky all kinds of questions, some random some actually interesting as well.

"Don't scare him away too easily boys, I'm sure he is already nervous." I chuckled sitting back messing with my hair a little in the process.

"Actually you make me more nervous then anything... Your aura it just holds a lot of power alone. If no one knew who you were, they would know you are a queen." I smiled bashfully waving my hand a couple times.

"You flatter me.. I'm just well regular old me, I'm getting old." I chuckled a bit.

"I wouldn't even be able to tell you still look so young."

"If dad catches you flirting with mom he'll slit your throat while you are sleeping and then crawl away like nothing happened."


"Are we talking about the same dad who falls out of bed and sleeps there when he doesn't wanna get up?"

"Pretty much yeah."

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