Chapter 22 "Aftermath"

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After the fight between the Archbishop of Envy and The Archbishop of the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Glutonny's decided to invite them self's to the mansion or to be more precise the kitchen of the mansion and after sucsefully scaring the maids to near shock and eating a year worth of food they finally decided to leave.

When Y/n Found out he was about to go on a rant but because he was in a good mood and was being called Onii-Chan by not only the one and only Pandora-Sama but also Typhoon-San, and Carmilla-San. Y/n Was in a too good of a mood to care about food that he didn't need in the first place as.

But what was even more satisfying is that the gods (me) decided to make him even more overpowered. Because all of the witches including Sattela allowed him to place [Lions Heart] on them witch practically meant Y/n was COMPLETELY Invisible as for your information one. his heart now can be in Sattela and as sattela is an immortal being meaning she will never die meaning Y/n can use [Lions Heart] all the time which would allow him to use [Stillness of an objects time] ALL the time.

[AN: You see what I did there I made an overpowered character even more overpowered]

The three sin Archbishops Of Gluttony
Roy, Louis and Lye were walking in the forest of Tob they were having a pouch and chatting I mean what they have witnessed a couple of hours ago was beyond anyone's imagination it was so bizarre but it did satisfy their "gluttony".
So in order to compensate for that they were heading towards a certain village that was located in to kingdom of Re-Eztize.


{Y/n's POV}

Y/n: Hey Zesshi what can you tell me about the Elven kingdom?

Zesshi: Well from what I learned it's a small kingdom that once was ruled by High Elf Queen but when the .. elf king.. came he imprisoned her and took over the kingdom around 200 years ago.

Y/n: You have royal blood right?

Zesshi's face turned sorrow with a hint a pure hate, As she nodded.

Y/n Came closer and hugged her.

[AN: Do you guys want a Melon Chapter?]

That made her feel good and it loosened up her tension.

Y/n: How about we go there and slice that scum up and take over the kingdom?

The words that came out of Y/n's mouth surprised Zesshi and brought her excitement.

Zesshi: Sure lets do that Darling~

——Time skip—-

After that you went out to meet the cardinals to announce to them that you'll be taking Zesshi and going on a 'Honeymoon'

The six cardinals and the Pontifex Maximus were gathered at the cathedral they were currently all waiting on Y/n The Cardinal of Sin to arrive apparently all of them were informed that he had some important news.

Some of them were not quite please that they were being summoned by some 'kid' but they couldn't pretty much do anything about it due to the surprising appearance of the eight witches of sin in the theocracy it was right now the safest and the most dangerous place in the new world. It was the safest because no one would dare to attack the witches and dangerous because the witches them self might attack them.

So obviously when the most influacial Sin-Archbishop who was stronger than most of the witches told them to gather for an important announcement they didn't have a choice but to agree to meet him immediately.

Then the door opens and The Cardinal of Sin Y/n Corneas walked in, Along side his wife Zesshi Corneas.

Y/n: I'll get strait to the point and won't waste you time dear cardinals.

Dominic: Yes that would be for the best.

Y/n: I am going to the Elf kingdom with Zesshi oh and the black scripture is coming with me, Any objections? No alright Cya!

Cardinals: ... huh

Dominic: Wait you can't just go there and taking the black scripture are you nuts? If that overgrown platinum lizard finds out He might intervene and we don't have time to deal with Over grown lizards right now!

But Y/n wasn't paying much attention as he walked out with Zesshi. Zesshi when out of the room of the cardinals came closer to Y/n a gave him a kiss, which made the Cardinal Of Sin blush.

All in all if you were to look at this scene from a third person view it would be one of the most wholesome things you would see.


After gaverng the the Black scripture in order they were fully armed and prepared to over take the kingdom of Elves.


{Location - Village of Carne}

It was a normal day the goblins were building a new watch tower the people were working on the fields, but one person stood out in this village this person was a beautiful maiden dressed in a maid uniform she had circle shaped Sythe on her back. The womenas name was Lupusregina Beta.

She was heading towards the center of the village it was about time when her sisters and members of the Pleadies, Were about to arrive.

She then sensed some powerful presences and got exited because this could only mean that her sisters have arrived but... why were there only three?

Boy: AHHH Help!

???: Hahaha this is splendid, fantastic, perfect, beautiful, delicious~ yes Yes!


[AN: Sooo yea... about the upload schedule haha *nervous* I mean we're friends right?]

[But in order to compensate I'll finish Arc 2 Tomorrow (hopefully)]


(If you see any errors please do point them out so I can fix them!)

This story is inspired by 'filip1500' and his fan fiction "The Archbishop of the Jura Tempest Federation"). (And a fan fiction by "SFK_15" 'Shouldn't I be in hell???')

Again thank you so much for reading and I will see you soon with a new update!

This Chapter was published on 3/08/21.

(I do not own Re:Zero nor Overlord)

The Archbishop of NazarickOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora