Part 7

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*Lotor's Ship*
Sitting on his makeshift throne, Lotor seethed with frustration and fury at the Eclipse Rangers who were kneeling before him. "You had one job.. ONE JOB!! AND YOU FAILED!!" The Solar ranger spoke up, "Our apologies, my lord. We allowed our sense of victory over the Samurai megazord make us vulnerable to an attack from Wind and Thunder." The Lunar spoke up next, "There is no excuse master. We accept our punishment." Lotor looked shocked but quickly smirked and looked at his other peons, "This is how you apologize and rewarded instead of punished. Now my rangers, stand. Train for your next battle with the rangers. It will come soon." The Eclipse rangers rose to their feet and nodded, "Yes master!"

*A few days later*
Tye was walking down the street, or rather, slightly limping down the street when she bumped into Hunter, who was carrying boxes into Storm Chargers. "Oh crap! I'm sorry!" Tye exclaimed, while wincing slightly. Hunter shook his head, "Its fine. You ok? You seem to be in pain." Tye chuckled sheepishly, "Yeah.. I stupidly fell off a ladder as I was restocking a high shelf. The box of clothes I landed on took the majority of the impact but it still hurt a bit." Hunter hissed in sympathy, "Ouch. I've done that before. Only I usually hit the ground or my brother instead." 

Tye laughed, "Sorry, I shouldn't laugh but.. that's both bad and funny." Hunter smiled, "Yeah, yeah it is. Um.. I don't know if this is ok or not but.. May I ask you out to a movie?" Tye looked stunned for a moment but smiled back, "I'd love that. How about this Friday at 7?" Hunter's smile brightened, "That sounds great! I'll see you then?" Tye nodded, "Absolutely. Bye!" They both wave goodbye and inwardly cheer at the upcoming date.

Hunter picked up the boxes and headed inside the store with a dreamy look on his face. Blake and Dustin noticed immediately and called him out. "Ok bro, what's with the look?" Blake asked. Dustin spoke up, "Yeah man, you look like you just won a big race or something." Hunter just grinned at them, "I just scored a date for this Friday with Tye!" Blake looked happy for his brother while Dustin seemed shocked, "Wow.. Tye never accepts a date from anyone. Way to go dude!" They all high five and get back to stocking shelves.

Once they finished, They took a break on the couch area where Tori and Shane were chilling. Blake smiled and wrapped an arm around Tori (Yes, I put them together. FIGHT ME!) to which she smiled at him. Shane sees Hunter in a good mood and decided to speak up, "Hey man, what's with the grin?" Before Hunter could answer, Dustin spoke up first, "He scored a date with Tye!" Tori grinned, "Wow. Nice going!" But Shane frowned due to his conversation with Cam a few days ago. "Hey guys.. I've got some serious talk to say." Everyone looked at Shane. "Well, Cam and I speculate that.. that Tye and Dani are the eclipse rangers. They all look in shock before Hunter spoke up, "What? That can't be right. What proof do you have?" Shane held up his hands in defense, "None but a theory. JUst that.. They came back to town around the same time the Eclipse Rangers appeared. Kinda like you and Blake did when we all met."

Hunter frowned and sat quietly for a second before standing up and leaving Storm Chargers. Blake was gonna go after him but was stopped by Tori, "I think he needs a minute." She looked at Shane, "We have to make sure. Should we stakeout their shop?" Shane shakes his head, "Not in person, we'll have Cyber-Cam keep an eye out for them for now." Dustin looked at Shane, "What do we do in the meantime?" Shane sighed, "We wait and see what happens."


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