Part 2

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~ Blue Bay Harbor Beach ~

It's been nearly a week since the rangers were attacked by the Eclipse Rangers. Tori was at the beach, looking out at the sea while deep in thought. She was suddenly startled when someone sat down next to her without her sensing them. The person next to her chuckled, "I never took you for someone who could be startled so easily, Hanson."

Tori gets a good look at the girl sitting next to her and gasped, "Dani? Is that really you?" Dani smiled, "Long time no see Tori." Tori laughed and hugged the ravenette girl. She pulled back from the hug, "Where have you been? How have you been? Is Ty with you?" Dani chuckled, "Traveling. Good. And yes. She's back at the hotel room sleeping. You know how my cousin is. Sleep all day.." Tori finishes he sentence, "Party all night." They both laughed.

Once they had stopped laughing, Tori looked at Dani, "When did you guys get back?" Dani smiled, "A few days ago." Tori bit her lips before asking, "So, I'm guessing you're not making any of your custom bikini's anytime soon?" Dani shook her head, "Nope. But, I'll write down your order and fix you up as soon as I get the right equipment." Tori smiled, "Yay! Thanks!" Dani nods and pulls out a small notepad, "No problem. Now, what did you want?" The blond surfer thought it over, "I'll take a Neck holder Bikini with all over dolphin print in Micro-fiber fabric." Dani nods as she writes it down, "Ok. Now, what color did you want it?" Tori smiled, "A navy blue background with aqua blue dolphins."

Dani nodded and finished writing down Tori's order, "Ok got it! I'll get it to you as soon as I can get the store up and running again." Tori grinned, "Thank you!" Dani stood up and dusted the sand off her capris before looking back at Tori, "Well anyways, I gotta go. I'll come visit Storm Chargers sometime and I'll even drag Ty with me." Tori giggled, "Ok. See you!" Dani waved bye as she walked away.

~ Later ~

A few minutes after Dani left, Tori stood up to leave when she spotted Blake walking towards her. Tori smiled as Blake finally reached her, "Hey Blake, what's up?" Blake smiled softly, "I was just wondering where you were. How are you?" Tori blushed faintly, "I'm ok. I was actually thinking about the Eclipse Rangers. How exactly do you guys know them?" Blake sighed, "Back when we worked for Lothor, we would train sometimes with them. We never saw their faces and they never saw ours. But Hunter and the Lunar ranger.. they had an attraction towards each other."

Tori blinked, "Really? I wonder how he felt about the fight the other day?" Blake frowned and ran his fingers through his hair, "He wasn't too happy about it. He sulked in his room the entire night." Tori frowned and was about to say something when she noticed that the sun was going down. She looked back at Blake, "Let's get going. I can drop you off at your apartment." Blake smiled and nodded, "Thanks Tori. I appreciate it." Tori smiled back, "Its no problem."

They both pile into Tori's van and started driving towards Blake and Hunter's apartment. As she drove, she told Blake about meeting her old friend Dani again. "I haven't seen her or her cousin Ty in at least two years. They left so suddenly that nobody knew where they went. Apparently, they were travelling or so she told me."

Blake frowned, "Do you think they might be the Eclipse Rangers?" Tori frowned, "No. At least, I hope not. Dani was always known as a borderline pacifist and Ty.. well, Ty was more of a party girl than a fighter. They both knew how to defend themselves but.. I never really knew them to be into martial arts." Blake sighs, "People can change Tori. Plus, remember what I said about them being brainwashed. But I hope you're right and they're not the Eclipse rangers." Tori nods as she stops in front of the apartments, "Me too. See you tomorrow Blake." Blake nods, "See you." He gets out of the van and waves goodbye to Tori as she drives off before heading into his apartment building.

~ The Next Day - Storm Chargers ~

Tori walked into Storm Chargers with Shane. The male was pouting slightly, "I still can't believe you saw Dani and she didn't mention me, not once!" Tori sighed and shook her head, "Shane, you guys had one date and that was before she left. I'm pretty sure she had other things on her mind when I was talking to her. Besides, she mentioned stopping by Storm Chargers." Shane sighed, "Ok then."

It was right after that, that Cam contacted them on their morphers, "Guys! Lothor's at the beach with the Eclipse Rangers." Shane looked at Tori, "Alright Cam we're on our way." Cam replied, "I'll contact the guys at the track and we'll meet you there." Shane nodded at Tori, "Let's go!"


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