Part 6

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The Eclipse Rangers had started to destroy the city with their zords, not yet forming their megazord. The rangers watched in dismay at HQ as Cyber Cam got their zords ready. "There we go dudes! All set, now go save the city yo!" Shane declared, "Back to action!" They immediately transformed and powered up before teleported into their zords. They sprung into action, the wind zords attacking the Solar Tiger zord and the Thunder & Samurai zords attacking the Lunar Wolf zord.

The Rangers began to get the upper hand over the Eclipse rangers. Solar spoke to Lunar over the coms, "We need to form our megazord, now!" Lunar agreed and managed to knock the thunder & samurai zords away as Solar did the same with the wind zords. They came together and formed the Total Eclipse megazord! The Eclipse Rangers laughed and taunted the Power Rangers. "Form the megazords!", shouted Shane.

They all formed their individual megazords; Windstorm, Thunderstorm and Samurai-storm. It was now three against one as they began to battle it out. In the end, the Total Eclipse managed to take out the Samurai zord but was ultimately defeated (but not destroyed) by Thunderstorm and Windstorm. Solar growled, "We will retreat for now, but we will return!" Lunar nodded as they both teleported away.

The rangers cheered in triumph, including Cam who had ejected from his megazord before it crashed into the earth badly damaged. They sent the zords back to HQ and went to finish off the day at the shop. Dustin, Hunter and Blake had gotten mildly chewed out by Kelly for leaving during shift as Cam, Tori and Shane sat on the couches to watch TV. After a few minutes, Tye appeared with Tori's custom made bikini that she had ordered. "Heya Tori, I have that bikini you ordered." Tori smiled, "Thanks Tye! That was faster than I expected." Tye chuckled, "We have better equipment this time."

Tori smiled and laughed, "Where's Dani?" Tye's grin faltered for a split second before answering, "She's at the new shop getting things set up and taking care of some last minute orders." Tori nodded, not catching the falter but Cam did. Cam furrowed his brow in question as Tye spoke with Tori. Shane saw this and frowned, "What's up Cam?" Cam looked at Shane, "You said that Tye and Dani left for a few years only to show come back now, right? At the same time the Eclipse Rangers decide to pop up and attack?" Shane frowned some more, "That.. is a bit of a coincidence. But.. we know them.. or did."

Cam frowned, "I know.. but people change. Just make absolutely clear before you place complete trust in them." Shane sighed and watched as Tori waved goodbye to Tye as the other left the store. "I really hope you're wrong about them Cam." Cam nods, "Same here."

!End of Part 6!

(AN: So, so sorry for the late upload. My creativeness hit a wall and I couldn't think of anything to write. Plus 2020 sucked a$$ so.. yeah. I hope to upload more frequently now that my life is going better now. See ya around!)

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