15. Dean's Eviction

Start from the beginning

"What do I do?" Castiel mumbled, when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

He looked up and slowly made his way there, blinking his eyes a few times to stay awake.  Yesterday was another night of an hour of sleep and crunching numbers.  He opened the door with a yawn and opened his eyes to see Dean standing there with a slouch. 

"Dean?" Castiel asked, "oh, gosh come in."

The older Winchester flashed a small smile and it turned back to a frown once he walked past the blue-eyed man. 

"What happened?" Castiel questioned, sliding Dean's jacket off his shoulders and hanging it up on a coat rack by the front door. 

"I, uh, I have some news," he replied.  He sat down on the couch in the living room and Castiel joined him, sitting on a separate one to face him properly. 


Dean sighed heavily.  "I'm...I'm moving out, farther away.  I don't know where or how..but I am."

Confused, Castiel squinted his eyes with a tilt of his head.  "Why?"

"I got evicted," Dean groaned, "kicked out of my apartment because of my stupid neighbor." 

Castiel didn't know what to say.  "So...you just want to leave? Leave town, leave Sam, leave me?"

Dean shook his head and took Castiel's hand.  "No, I don't want to.  If I could stay I would, but there's really nothing I can find right now.  Sam and Gabriel have their own place and Bobby is already tired of me when I'm working all day with him.  I have the money if that's what you're worried about it's just...I can't find a place right now.  They didn't give me time to look."

Another round of silence filled the room until Dean looked over at the kitchen table, Castiel on the other hand in deep thought.

"What are those?" Dean asked, gesturing to the envelopes. 

Castiel shook his head.  "Nothing, just bills to pay."

"That's an awful lot," Dean replied.  "No offense."

Castiel waved him off.  "It's fine, anyway—"

"You know you can come to me if you need anything, right Cas?" Dean asked, looking into Castiel's eyes.  "I can pay for those—"

"No, nope," Castiel interrupted.  "You have done...so much Dean.  You have so much on your plate right now, don't be worrying about me." 

Dean stood up and walked into the kitchen, shuffling through all the bills and newspapers Castiel had recieved.  But the blue-eyed man was too deep in thought to care, he was thinking about everything Dean had done for him over the past three months.  All the things he had bought, all the times he laughed and played with Jack.  All the dates they had been on and how he got to know and understand who Dean was and how he treated him.  Dean was right, he had been treating him right this entire time.  He had been treating him better then Ketch could ever had even when trying his hardest.  He came over to visit Castiel every day at the school with a rose still in uniform just because he wanted to see him.  Dean dropped everything he was doing when something was going wrong for Cas and he always came to comfort him.  He spilled out his heart to him about Lisa and Cas could do the same about Ketch.  Castiel knew that he became a better and happier person because of Dean, and this was his time to step up and do something for him. 

"Dean," Castiel said certainly, standing up. 

Dean turned around and looked at him, eyebrow raised. 

Castiel took in a deep breath and walked over to the taller man.  "Move in with me."

Dean's eyes widened.  "No, Cas, I won't do that—"

"I'm ready," Castiel interrupted.  "Move in with me, Dean.  Let's start a new chapter here, in this house—" he took Dean's hand "—together..."

Dean looked down at the hand Castiel was clutching and looked back into his eyes.  "Cas...are you sure you want this?—"

"Yes," Castiel said with full confidence, not breaking any eye contact.  "Live with me, that way you don't have to move away and we can..."

They paused for a minute.

"We can be together..." Castiel smiled. 

Crystal tears formed in both of their eyes and when Dean blinked one gently ran down his cheek.  The room flowed with a comforting, bright energy and Dean mustered a laugh through all the tears.

"Really?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Really." Castiel beamed. 

That's when the blue-eyed man wrapped his arms around Dean's neck and the taller man hugged him back tightly, crying softly into his shoulder. 

"Dean, will you be my boyfriend?" Castiel asked. 

Dean pulled away and jabbed a finger into Castiel's chest.  "Hey, that's my job to ask that."

Castiel only raised an eyebrow and the older Winchester sighed.  "Yes, of course angel."

They shared a kiss, a thankful one to seal the new relationship.  A new beginning for Castiel Novak, and a victory for Dean Winchester.

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