15. Dean's Eviction

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"Alright Bobby! I'm heading home, see you tomorrow!" Dean shouted into the house behind Singer Automobiles. 

"Be careful, son!" Bobby yelled back. 

Dean closed the door and ran out to the Impala, winding through all of the old car parts carefully.  Once he finally got to the car, his phone started to buzz and he picked up the call with a smile. 

"Well, this is certainly different," Dean said, recieving a laugh from the other end.  "Hey, Cas."

"Hello, Dean," Castiel replied.  "How was work?"

"It was fine, another lady yelled at me today.  Charlie came by too, surprisingly her new ride needed a tune up."  Dean began.  "How about you?"

"Grading, studying the new unit, boring stuff," the voice on the other end sighed.  "I just wanted to call you to see if you would want to go on a date this Saturday at seven, my treat."

Dean shook his head, driving out into the street.  "Absolutely not, I'm paying remember?"

"Come on, you pay all the time!" Castiel whined, "let me do something for you for once."

"Cutie you already do everything for me," Dean stated, knowing that Castiel was bright red behind the phone. 

"You're too good for me," Castiel protested.  "I'll see you Saturday then."

"See you."

The call ended and Dean tapped the steering wheel accordingly to the beat of the music playing from the radio.  He drove through town and into this apartment complex at the edge of the city.  He parked the Imapala in the parking lot and got out, making his way up some stairs and pulling out his keys. 

However, when he opened the door, there was a woman standing there, clipboard in hand.  "Mr. Dean Winchester?" she asked. 

"Yeah," Dean replied cautiously.  "Who are you?"

"I'm with the, uh, complex," she answered, "I'm afraid that you have been evicted, Mr. Winchester."

Dean's heart stopped.  "Hold on," he disbelieved, laughing lightly.  "Excuse me? What have I done wrong?"

"Your neighbor Mr. Roman claims that you have been absent from your apartment and I'm afraid we will have to evict you if you are absent from it."  The woman shrugged, jotting some things down on her clipboard.

"What?!" Dean exclaimed.  "How—How does absence get me evicted? I have a job and I've met someone—"

"Then I suppose your new partner or a family member can assist you, I'm sorry Mr. Winchester." The woman said firmly, marching out of the room.  "You have two days to pack." 

Jack ran across the yard with the mail from the morning clutched in his arms. 

"Thank you, Jack," Castiel smiled, taking the papers from him.  Jack nodded and ran past him into his room and Castiel sorted through the mail.  "Ah, shit," he swore under his breath.  The bills had gone up. 

He threw the many envelopes on the kitchen table and sat down, massaging his face.  He could add on to his work hours to make a few extra bucks, but that would mean Jack would have to be home alone for at least the entire night.  He could ask Charlie to stay for the week to watch him, but he had already asked her for so much and she was in the process of moving.  She was moving closer to the school because she lived at least a town away from where it was, she had to drive half and hour to get to the school just to work, he didn't want to add anymore stress to her daily routine.  She was moving much closer to the school and to a new company for computers she was thinking of working at. 

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