Chapter six:

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"Here's another coffee"

I hand George it and he raises it, as a way to say thank you before taking a sip.

"Why so much coffee? I love it as much as the next man but you've had more than 5 since we've arrived"

I ask him, as I wipe down the counter with an old rag. He sips on the coffee with a pop before settling it back down on the counter again, along with his pencils and papers.

"Because, I'm bored sat here studying, waiting for you to finish work"

"Well, you didn't actually have to, that was your choice"

I remind him as I throw the rag into the trash and wipe the sweat away from my brow.

"I know. How long until you're down anyway?"

He asks and I check the clock in front of me.

"5 minutes, I'm gonna go change, I'll be back in a second"

I tell him as I remove my hat and turn into the kitchen area, greeting the people as I walk into the back room and change into my clothes.

As I shove my hoodie over my head, I hear my phone beep on the bench and pick it up.

I'm in Boston next month to see my parents. I'll come by and see you <3

A message I couldn't even wait for me to receive, from my former teacher, Miss Dina Johnson, who was my super cool English teacher from sophomore to senior year, and she was more like the older cousin type than a teacher.

On my last day, we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again soon whenever she was free, so now I knew to free up some time in my calendar next year.

"You look happy, has our chat made you happy?"

George asks as I settle down next to him, a beaming smile on my face.

"No I've actually been dreading this talk, I've just received some good news"

I tell him as I pull up a chair and take a seat next to him. He moves closer to me and it takes every bone in my body to not push him over.

"What was the news?"

"My former teacher is coming into town next month to see her parents and she's asked me to meet her"

I tell him, as I go through his notes, curious to see what he's been doing these past few hours.

"Wait. You're still in contact with a teacher? I haven't seen any of mine since I left my high school"

He chuckles at me, sipping on the coffee.

"I'm gonna assume your teachers didn't like you and could t want to get rid of you?"

I suggest, looking up and smirking at him, he scoffs and shakes his head.

"It's not that they didn't like me, more...I was too cool for them"

I look at him and he just stares at me for a moment before we burst out into laughter, and it even goes to the extreme of George slapping his hand against his knee.

"Anyway, enough about that, why did you have you have to watch me work before you could talk to me?"

I ask and he sighs.

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry...for the other night, I was drunk and going through some stuff and it a bit much, and I thought you were pretty and even though you ruined my favourite shirt, I did deserve it"

My eyes widen at how fast he talks and when he does, I just sit there for a moment, taking everything in.

"It's Uh-it's cool, don't worry about it"

"That's it? That's all you have to say?"

He asks and I nod.

"I'm not gonna dwell on it as we're probably gonna have to spend a lot more time together considering I'm good friends with your friends so we'll just be civil towards one and other, we don't need to talk outside of the friendship group, got it?"

He asks. He blinks at me but clears his throat and nods.

"Perfect now, I'm meeting, Malcom, Catrina, Molly and Claire, would you like to join us?"

I ask, standing up and throwing my bag over my shoulder. He goes to say something but just shuts his mouth and stands up with me, before we walk back to his car.

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