Chapter 20 final (1)

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January 2016

Tuesday, the 12th, 12:02am
New York, USA

Jimin's never been inside Donny's room before. He's not sure if anyone's ever has, or he's not sure anyone's ever come out of it in one piece, in more technical terms. You do not end up in here. Not if you haven't fucked up.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

It's a strange square room with a bed and a desk, built so disproportionately it feels like it shouldn't even exist-and it shouldn't-small cupboards pushed against the walls that he somehow knows is filled with everyone's records and that's what terrifies him the most. Because this man has shit on him, has shit on everyone and how could he have been so fucking stupid-
The desk comes with an uncomfortable chair, rickety and digging uncomfortably into Jimin's back where he sits painfully still, breath coming in quiet puffs because he doesn't even want to exhale too loud. Death feels inevitable, icy in his throat, because it's the only way out of here. Cold, like an ultimatum. A reminder of how badly he's fucked up. It's the only thing washing over his body ever since Donny burst in and damn near dragged him downstairs over Jungkook's panicked protests and into this chair by his sleeve but that's it.

The man hasn't uttered a single syllable since. And that's the most terrifying part somehow.

He knows Donny is watching the back of his head with the force of ten burning suns, can sense the piercing physical anger so strongly, Jimin feels it heavy around the room. The man's unusually silent, heavily breathing over the smooth hum of the laptop resting on the desk. It's eerily still, as if they're waiting for the other to make a move, to break through the quiet.

Quiet means bad things in this house.

Yet there Jimin is, eyes flitting back and forth between the text on the screen over and over even though he's read it ten times already, the content ingrained in his brain almost painfully. A clear siren announcing his failure. His stupidity. Yoongi's.
And oh God, Yoongi. He's never going to see him again.

They'd been seen. Of course they had. Nothing good can happen without something ten times worse happening in return in life, Jimin knows that. He's sure Yoongi does, too. How had they forgotten, why, why-
He hears Donny move just a little towards him, a heavy footstep on the carpet below him and Jimin chokes back a sob, swallows back all the regret welling up in his throat and clenches a fist on his thigh. There's hot breath on his ear then, right on the piercings he's not proud of and he's going to die.
He's going to die.
The older man still doesn't say anything, just a quiet grunt resounding in Jimin's ear that doesn't sound less angry than before, even angrier if that's possible and he's uncomfortable. So, so uncomfortable. He can feel the shift in the mood, like energy's passed in the air making it that much thicker than before. Heavier.
Jimin holds his breath entirely, terror washing over him in waves. Braces himself.
It's calm for a second.

And then it's not.

He almost doesn't see the hand in his hair coming, a fistful of his red locks suddenly clutched in a near vengeful fist and he finally allows himself to make a sound, a loud cry that almost leaves his throat raw. Or is that the abrupt onslaught of tears?
'You piece of shit,' Donny's hissing in his ear, yanking his neck back so it collides with his shoulder painfully. Jimin sees stars. 'You ungrateful,' another tug. 'Piece. Of shit,'
'Please,' the whimper is barely audible, the younger boy suddenly shaking like a leaf as the tears blur his eyes over but he figures that's a good thing because now he doesn't have to read that horrible headline over and over. Not that that's going to do any good, it's already ingrained in his mind.

K-rapper Min Yoongi with alleged boyfriend in New York? Netizens speculate.

'I gave you a fucking roof over your fucking head,' Donny's still speaking, so angry Jimin's almost choking on his temper. 'Food, a job, and this is how you fucking repay me!?'
'Please,' Jimin says louder this time because this isn't happening, this isn't happening at all, Yoongi will come get him in no time and then everything will be alright. Maybe if he dissociates hard enough- 'Please, please, I'm s-sorry-,'
'Shut your fucking mouth, shut up,' so angry. 'Shut up before I do something I fucking regret,'

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