Chapter 16

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January 2016

Friday, the 1st, 7:09am

Seoul, South Korea

If someone was to ever ask Hoseok, which no one usually does lately, New Year's resolutions are fucking dumb.

Dumb and pointless and forgotten about less than two days into the year and then what?

Nothing. That's what.

Nothing, except maybe crushing disappointment and the lingering feeling of you're not fucking productive enough it leaves inside his soul.

In all honesty, resolutions suck basically.

Absolute ass.

No matter what he thinks of them though, there's that small nagging voice at the back of his head, happily reminding him that his bitterness most probably stems from the fact that he's particularly bad at holding down his own resolutions-motivation in general, really-and he groans into his hands when he realises that the voice sounds suspiciously like Seokjin's.

That, and the fact that one of his resolutions last year had been to get Yoongi to love him back.

It's too fucking early for any of this.

Seokjin can die.

'This is fucking stupid,' Hoseok remembers to voice his bitchiness for damn near the third time from where he's splayed across the couch, limbs still sleep heavy and eyes half closed. 'This is really fucking stupid and you're going to hell for this,'

'Yah, what are you saying to me?' Seokjin clicks his tongue in disapproval as he passes by the couch like the whirlwind of unnecessary activity he is, and for a second the younger boy thinks he's going to get something thrown at him. 'It's New Year's. If you continue being a bitch today, your year will be shitty,'

My year is already shitty.

Scratch that.

His life is shitty.

'Alright, of course,' does he care? No. 'But this is still super stupid. What are we, 5?'

He doesn't get an immediate reply but this time, Seokjin does throw something at him from the other side of the room-a goddamn slipper, he notes-that narrowly whizzes past his head and crashes into the wall behind him.


'This is friendship bonding, and if you don't like it you can move out,' the older boy hisses and Hoseok raises an eyebrow in mild alarm. 'You don't have to be a bitch today of all times, you know? Shut the fuck up,' Seokjin throws his other slipper too and what the fuck. 'Fix your emotional constipation for once in your goddamn life,'


'Savage,' Namjoon pipes up brightly, slumped down on the carpet like the lump of limbs that he is, and Hoseok can tell he doesn't feel any better about their current situation than he does; trapped by the obligations of being a good boyfriend. 'Drag him, Jinnie,'

'He just told me to move out of a house that isn't either of ours,' Hoseok mutters incredulously, is done with his life and this year and it's barely been a few hours. 'How is that a drag?'

'It's Seokjin,' the younger boy shrugs, sitting up a little when he gets a sheet and a pen, that they've frankly never seen before in their lives, thrown at his head. 'Everything he says is a drag,'

'Oh, fuck off,' Hoseok barely falls sideways into the couch sourly when Seokjin throws supplies at him as well. Supplies, because he doesn't know what the fuck else to call them. Even then though, he can't disagree with Namjoon. Seokjin is ruthless, and they should be scared. He would be if he wasn't so dead inside. 'This is so fucking childish, when will you stop?' he adds to the older boy with a whine, whining louder when Seokjin turns to stare at him with a squint.

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