Chapter 6

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March 2012

Jimin grabs the bathroom sink with both hands tightly, finally allowing the disbelief and shock filling his head to slip onto his face as he stares at his stunned reflection. His brown hair is sticking up on one side from lying down and his eyes are blown wide, the feel of Yoongi's lips still fresh on his.

He reaches up to brush his thumb over them, blinking in the confusion that dawns on him slowly.

Yoongi kissed him.

He didn't want him to stop.

Jimin slowly brings a palm up to his chest, squinting at himself in the mirror when he feels his heart about to beat out of his chest.

This isn't right, the younger boy swallows dryly, this doesn't happen with Riley.

In a rush, he opens the tap and splashes water onto his face to clear his head and maybe cleanse his soul.

Yoongi kissed him. He thinks he liked it.

Jimin shakes his head quickly, trying to put the mask of amusement back on his face that had been his first instinct in front of the older boy. Why? He wonders with a rapidly sinking, thudding heart. Why wasn't he bothered? Why did he laugh it off? Why isn't he angrier? Why isn't Riley the first concern on his mind?

'It's because Yoongi does weird shit all the time,' he mumbles hurriedly in some sort of self reply, burying his face in Yoongi's towel that's hanging off the bathroom rack and flinches back when he realises it smells like him; for some reason that makes his heart worse. 'He probably wanted to get a reaction out of me,'

It seems plausible.

Jimin quickly nods, breathing deep. That must be it. Yoongi's never kissed him before. That has to be it.

For good measure, when the younger boy puts his hand back on the bathroom doorknob, he makes himself think of Riley. He has a boyfriend. He can't get caught up in whatever's happening.

'It's probably nothing,' he breathes deep and nods again, resolutely, ignores the fact that he can't remember the feel of Riley's mouth on his; just Yoongi's.

Yoongi isn't plastered to the wall anymore when Jimin walks back into the bedroom, sitting cross legged on the lone mattress and staring intently at his phone; his phone, he realises with confusion when he makes out the sparkly penguin phone case peeking through the older boy's pale fingers.

Okay. Yoongi kissed him. Now he's staring at his phone. And Jimin's heart is going ham.

Standard times.

Slowly, he moves to sit in front of Yoongi, putting on a smile even though the redhead looks too focused on the phone screen to look up.

'Why are you staring at my phone?' Jimin asks, and he's surprised when he doesn't have to force the easiness in his voice, because it's just there. And maybe that should scare him but it doesn't.

What does scare him is the look on Yoongi's face when he looks up at him, face serious and demeanour almost dark; it's nothing like Jimin's ever seen on him and he barely hides his discomfort because something's suddenly wrong, and he doesn't want it to be. Not tonight.

The older boy shakes his head once and puts the phone beside him before seeming to change his mind and throwing it in Jimin's lap instead.

'He's cheating on you,' Yoongi's voice is low and defeated and the smaller boy raises his eyebrows, hurriedly stabs the home button looking for some sort of explanation for whatever the fuck he's just heard.

It's a text spam from Riley asking where he is, and it's fair, Jimin thinks with a heart that uncomfortably won't stop sinking all of a sudden-he was supposed to call 2 hours ago and he always forgets-when the weight of the older boy's words dawns on him.

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