Chapter Eight

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The whirr of a machine and the rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor caused my heavy body to stretch out. Slowly opening my tired eyes, fluttering them against the strong light; I could see dull blue walls with a round clock reading 10:45.

What day is it? I tried to sit myself up but there was a violent pain in my wrist, crying out in agony I slumped back into the bed, finally realising I was in hospital. I heard the door to my room swing open as a nurse rushed in.

‘Is everything okay dear?’ she quickly asked, checking the monitor and my vitals.

‘Do I look okay?’ I snapped at her, raising my right hand and pushing it towards her, ‘this is killing me,’ 

‘You’re very lucky love,’ the nurse brushed my remark away, and picked up my patient information board from the end of my bed, ‘you were caught in a forest fire and have suffered some nasty burns. Another nurse will come and clean them in a while for you,’

I glanced at my bandaged wrist, how bad was it?

‘If your friend hadn’t risked his life to save you, you might not be in the same state as you are now,’ the nurse smiled, gesturing her head towards the visitor chair to the left of my bed. I followed her gaze; there, fast asleep was Jack.

As I stared at his innocent, childlike face, faint images flashed through my mind: fire, smoke, grass, a wolf, a body, Jack. My eyes widened as a mop of golden hair appeared in my visions, the flames had retreated allowing the shadows to enclose; but not without showing Jack’s noticeable hair and his voice that sounded so familiar, yet unrecognisable.

‘You’re awake, thank goodness,’ I hadn’t heard my father enter the room as he now stood at the end of the bed. His eyes were red and weary, as though he hadn’t slept for days.

‘Dad?’ I croaked, my voice tightening as he enveloped my slim frame with a bear hug. I buried my face into his old shirt, beer and smoke lingered on the material. I wasn’t fazed this time, all I wanted was to know he was there, that he cared.

 ‘It’s going to be okay, Lils, it’s going to be okay,’ he choked on the last few words, gathering himself he continued, ‘they said you can leave today if your burns are healing,’ he cupped my face in his hands, tears welled up in his eyes as he gave me a forced smile which I returned.

‘How long have I been here?’

‘3 days, you were out cold for the first 24 hours, but there were moments when you began calling out names-’

‘Like mine,’ Jack jumped in, giving me a sly wink. He had woken up, causing my body to reel at the sound of his voice. Yet, I still felt my cheeks turn a shade of red and the embarrassment spread throughout my body. Quickly looking at my dad he gave a faint but distant smile and left with the nurse trailing behind him, a hint of remorse on her face.

‘Where’s he going?’ I asked as my eyes followed him, until he disappeared through the door.

‘Lily, there’s something you need to know,’ Jack’s voice dropped and he recoiled into his chair. My heart quickened at the seriousness in his voice.

‘What, what is it?’ I panicked.

‘It’s Laura, she’s really hurt, they-’

‘Don’t say it,’ I blurted, I shook my head in disbelief. How could I have forgotten about Laura?

Jack kept quiet, I wanted to ask him why he was there; what he was doing, but I was still struggling to comprehend my flashbacks and determine whether they were real or not. The deafening silence was soon disturbed when a new nurse came to check my burns.

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