Chapter 4: Family Connections

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When Peter arrived home that evening, he found El in the kitchen making dinner. He breathed in the delicious aroma of meatloaf. Somehow she knew he'd need comfort food tonight.

"How was your day?" she asked, giving him a kiss.

He pulled her into his arms and held her close for a moment. "I've had better."

She raised a brow. "Is it something you can talk about?"

He went to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer. "We need to. Would you like a glass of wine?"

"Please. The salad can wait."

She took a seat on one of the bar stools around the butcher block table, and he joined her. El already knew about Astrena, but hearing about Christie's diagnosis was as difficult for her to hear as it had been for him.

"I thought I'd come to terms with it," he admitted, "but today I realized I'd been in denial. Despite the evidence, on a subconscious level, I continued to feel we were the victims of a cruel prank."

"I know what you mean. This is the twenty-first century, not ancient Greece. And now I find myself desperately wanting to believe in the curse. That's something Chloe may be able to fix. This syndrome ..." Shaking her head, she didn't finish her thought.

"I researched the disease after Neal left the office. Finding the appropriate treatment is difficult. There are many different strains, and each case appears to be different. So far, none of Neal's organs have been affected, but Christie is monitoring him closely. She's made an appointment for him to see a hematologist later this week."

"I'm glad Sam will be in New York. It can't be easy for him and Dean to find doctors they trust. Sam needs to see Christie, too." She brushed a strand of hair off her face. "I was all set to persuade you to go to the Renaissance festival next Sunday, but this puts a different spin on it."

"We should go," he said firmly. "This morning the team urged me to participate in the LARP."

She eyed him skeptically. "And you knew what they meant?"

"I do now."

She bit her lip. "Will Neal be able to ...?"

Peter shook his head. "No. He told me Christie's put the kibosh on any larping. I know how it galls him. A chance to wear costumes, engage in mock battles—any kid's dream."

"If they hold the festival next year, perhaps he can then." El's words trailed off. It was hard to be optimistic about the future.

Neal's teasing face flashed in front of his eyes. It only took Peter a moment to make up his mind. "Hon, do you think Janet could scrounge me a suitable costume?"

Her face lit up. "Are you going to be Neal's stand-in?"

"Sure. You and he can watch and snap all the photos you want. We'll make this a battle to remember."

* * * * *

Dean and Sam arrived at Peony's B&B shortly after Chloe returned home from work. When Sam saw how Dean's face lit up at the sight of her, he breathed easier. Chloe was just what Dean needed—a distraction from worrying about him.

For the past six weeks, Chloe had been on a contract assignment with a publishing house. Life in the Big Apple hadn't appeared to change her. No heels and silk suits for her. She still had bangs and wore her long auburn hair loose. With her boots and tight pants, she could easily pass herself off as a hunter.

Maia had adopted the same style but she gave it a softer touch. Maia ... Sam let his mind rest on that pleasant thought for a moment. He'd be seeing her in a few hours.

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