03| Chapter 3

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Standing in front of the Queen's private chambers, Aiden fidgeted with his stiff uniform. The doctor's words echoed in his mind.

"What if you aren't Sir Clay for one day?"

Him. Not a guard. Not under anyone's control. Free. He knew that he was different the moment he turned into this beast. Not only did he look different, but he also had the faint ability to practice glamour. Sure, it wasn't as strong as it used to be, but he could still resist some orders from other soldiers, sometimes even thaumaturges. But glamouring his appearance was always an idea that he could never get a grasp of.

"If only you can improve even more."

As if he wasn't trying already.

Since the day he was transformed into this beast, Aiden tried again and again to change how he looked. He failed hour after hour, day after day, but the faint remaining bioelectricity always gave him hope.

He squirmed and concentrated hard, imagining himself as a normal Lunar. One without the fangs, without extra hair, without massive size. Just as he thought he almost, almost got it, the sound of cries tickled his ears.

How he hated it when he could hear something so subtle and unimportant.

But this time was different, as he listened more closely.

Suddenly, a sharp pain hit his stomach. He grunted and bent down, as he was reminded of the horrors of his previous dreams ---

* * *

"Slow down, wait for me!" A boy with messy chestnut-brown hair bent down to catch his breath. Nearby, a blonde boy did the same.

"But you're the bad guy. I have to run away from you." A girl with black curls and chocolate-brown skin giggled, way ahead of the boys.

"But I'm the good guy, Winter!" The blonde boy whined. "Why are you running away from me, too?"

Winter placed her hands on her hips. "I wasn't running away from you, silly. I was running away from Aiden." She pointed at the boy with brown hair.

The two boys stared at each other. In a second of time, the blonde boy tackled Aiden to the ground.

"Ouch! Get off of me, Jacin!" Aiden giggled.

"Not until the princess is saved from harm!" Jacin bit his lip, fully concentrated.

"Then you would have to fight me!"

Aiden pushed Jacin off and jumped up. They grabbed sticks and swung them at each other, pretending to battle each other with swords. Nearby, Winter gasped and awed at them.

"Go, sir Jacin!" She cheered.

Jacin smiled proudly and pretended to stab Aiden in the chest.

"That wasn't very hard."

"Just play along, Aid." Jacin whispered.

"Fine." Aiden dropped to the ground and laid there unmoved.

Meanwhile, Winter ran over and gasped. "What happened to Aiden? Is he alright?"

"Bleh." Aiden stuck out his tongue and closed his eyes.

"He's dead." Jacin said proudly. Winter giggled. Aiden laughed along, then stuck out his arms.

"I am a zombie! Raaaaar!" He jumped on top of Winter, causing both of them to fall to the ground. "Oh, save me!" Winter cried dramatically.

"Don't worry, princess! I am here to rescue you!" As soon as Jacin finished talking, a woman in a white lab coat and thick glasses came rushing over.

"Excuse me, my Princess." The woman said without looking at Winter, then turned towards the boys. "My apologies. Is this..." The woman adjusted her glasses and pulled out a clipboard. Aiden noticed that she didn't look sorry at all. "Is this Aiden Clay?" She eyed the two boys, unsure who she was speaking to.

"Yeah." Aiden stood up, barely tripping over.

The woman glared at Aiden. "Mr. Clay, Her Majesty the Queen has requested a word with you."

Aidens eyes met Jacins and Winters. Winter shrugged. "A word with me?" He asked hesitantly.

The woman shifted uncomfortably and adjusted her glasses once more. "Yes, that's what I just said. I would like it if you don't make me repeat it again, and you come with me so we don't keep Her Majesty waiting. Come along now." Holding her clipboard, she turned to Winter and Jacin and folded her hands and smiled. "If you would excuse us."

Aiden gaped at her and nodded his head slowly. "Right, we shouldn't keep her waiting." He looked over at his two friends and waved his hand. "Well, I'll be going then." Without waiting for their reply, the woman ushered him towards the palace.

Looking around at the unfamiliar columns of white doors, Aiden wondered why the Queen had requested to see him. "Where are you taking me?"

The woman stopped and tapped her clipboard with her fingers and frowned. "I already told you where we are."

"The Queen is here?" Aiden bit his lip and glanced around the hallway. It didn't seem like someone as high leveled as her would be here. "Is she in the throne room?" Aiden looked around, unsure where he was.

"Her majesty does not wish her request to be delayed." She peered at Aiden from the edges of her glasses. "Look, we are in a hurry right now. Questions can be asked later."

Aiden stared at the ground and nodded. The woman gave him a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, and continued walking.

After walking through rows of doors, Aiden couldn't tell how far he had gone, or where they were. All the doors looked the same; all labeled with special words Aiden didn't understand. The women finally stopped in front of a door that held a sign with 'operating section A-6'. She pushed it open and stood in the doorway.

"Please enter, Mr. Clay." She waited for him to step inside, but Aiden didn't move.

"But the Queen isn't in there." Aiden looked around the room. Everything was white, white, and more white. An exam table occupied the middle of the room. The walls were lined with rows of needles and jars, large machines vibrated and hummed. Aiden couldn't help squinting at the foul smell of chemicals. The woman ignored him.

"Please lay down, Mr. Clay." She gestured to the white table. Aiden obeyed, ignoring his rising panic.

"But why? I thought we were going to speak to the Queen." Anxious, Aiden started to sit up but was stopped by the women.

"Soon." She reassured Aiden and pushed him back down. Firm straps wrapped across his arms and legs, closing with a loud 'click'. Aiden struggled and wrapped his fingers around the straps, but it wouldn't budge.

The last thing Aiden saw was the sly grin on her face and the gleaming point of a needle.

"Welcome to the queen's army."

Then the world blacked out.


⚠️All photos above aren't mine: Credit goes to Ibuzoo on tumblr⚠️

Author's Note:

Hiii! I hope you're having a nice day/night. Remember that you're loved and appreciated, so don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. <3 

Leaving comments and voting mean a lot to me so ty to those that have been doing it! Ily all. ^^ 

Oh and I feel like the story's a bit confusing at first, but you'll see later on. So bear with us.  ;) 

♡┆BTLPF  || tlc fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon