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Do you have time for God in your everyday life?

Do you make time for God in your everyday life?

I'm sure you know that God exists outside of time, time does not influence Him because he is its Maker. He is eternal, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the same yesterday, today and forever, and it goes on.

We however on this earth have to follow the principle of time. Time is the means through which he makes known his enduring love to humankind. And well in the same scenario we can also do that and make time the means through which we make known our love to Him we can do that through praising Him, worshipping Him and talking to Him. But we still need to know how to make time for Him.


So how does one then make time for the Lord?

Here are some tips and steps to use to make time for the Lord:

1. Pray first for His guidance in helping you choose a time to spend more time with Him.

2. Look at your daily schedule and set a time in which you know will not be any trouble for you to do

3. Commit to it, it may be hard but we can do it. You can do it!

4. Try. Try. And Try Again. If you fall out of routine do not be discouraged but keep going. Keep trying to keep up with it and you'll make it.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 NIV


Okay, now you have made time for the Lord in your life, I guess you're wondering what can you do during that time, here are some things that you can do that I'll further explain in coming chapters:

1. Pray; use this time to talk to God, and also use it as a time to listen to Him. People usually think conversations with God are monologues but they are actually dialogues, its just you may want to hear something else that God won't say.

2. Quiet time; quiet time and prayer are a packaged deal. Prayer is when you talk to God and quiet time is when you listen to Him speak. Quiet time, is when you just listen to Him no talking, no singing just listening. It might take a while for you to finally hear Him but remember to be patient, and wait until you do because it will for sure change your life.

3. Bible study; you can get to learn, understand and adapt His Word in your life. Its important to study God's Word because you cannot take one and leave the other. The Bible is not just another book but its a living book because we serve a living God. There are many ways to study the Bible which I do an entire chapter on, later on into this guide.

4. Worship and praise; give Him all the glory and praise because He is worthy to be praised. HALLELUJAH. Worship does go more than just songs and lyrics its also a way showing your love and gratitude towards God for everything He has ever done, everything He is doing and everything He is going to do.

5. Listening to sermons; there are some things you may not be able to get or know or understand unless someone breaks it down for you. These spiritual leaders e.g. pastors,/preachers, evangelists, prophets, etc. are people who can teach you things about God and His Word that you probably never understood or learnt. These people are called into ministry to teach the Word in all its depth (unless you're still a baby in Christ whereas you can't learn it yet). There are some fakes out there but if you really know God and spent time with Him, with time you'll be able to differentiate the lies from the truth.


Hope you all have or had a pleasant and lovely day after today is the day that the Lord has made so rejoice and be glad in it.

Once again, I'm not sure when I'll be able to post again but I surely hope it will be soon but until then lovies😊

God bless you ALL ❤🤗


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