▪️Difference between Christian Girl and Woman of God▪️

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Christian Girl = CG
Woman of God = WOG


CGFeeling based Faith


WOG》Has Faith that stands no matter what they're feeling that day

Okay so lets get real here, when do you really have Faith? When things are going bad and you need to get out of a situation? And after that you just go back to living your life like nothing ever happened. This right here is what I call Israelite behaviour, if you've read the Old Testament, you'll know that that is exactly how the Israelites behaved and you'll very well know that it is not a good thing to do that. So just take a moment to think about how you can change and stop doing this, just a moment to reflect upon it for a bit.


CGFinds confidence to talk to or about God based on how she looks that day


WOGFinds confidence in knowing God is always with her and that nothing else is better but then having a relationship with the Lord

So look I know that sometimes its hard to approach people about God, and I know it seems hard to be confident unless you are dressing nice or different than usual. But that's not the case, when you have God with you and in you, you're unstoppable. I challenge you today to find confidence in His Word, pray to Him for that confidence and tell me how it goes.


CG She posts verses for show or appearance and doesn't actually live by them nor does she understand them.


WOG Understands the depth of the verse and shares the wisdom by being an example and living by the Word of God.

I know a lot of people who are always posting verses but never really taking the time to really take in what is being said and meditate on it, Joshua 1 vs 8:

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful. AMP"

So we really should post verses with depth, and not just aimlessly doing so for other people to see that you're a "Christian".


CGSometimes capable of being happy and optimistic but it never really lasts


WOG Finds happiness and joy in the Father constantly and has perfect peace in Him

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

Only the Lord can give everlasting joy and peace. The world gives temporary joy and you need to keep your mind stayed on Him and trust in Him too, to have that never ending forever joy and peace.


CG Dresses to impress others or show off her beauty or follows fashion trends


WOGMakes life beautiful with the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5 vs 22-23) and she knows that she is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139 vs 14) and was made in His image

I think this pretty self explanatory, but just a reminder you're beautiful, you're amazing, you're unstoppable with God in you and with you. He loves you and forgives you. God is perfect and well in all His perfection and glory He could never create something not perfect, even including you, He made you perfect and He has a purpose for your life. You're not a mistake you are royal priesthood (1 Peter 2 vs 9), you are the light of the world (Matthew 5 vs 14-16) and you are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5 vs 13), you had flavour to this world.


CGMakes herself really likeable and is sometimes followers of what other people do or say. And isn't bold with her faith


WOGStands by the Word of God and speaks the truth with love and faith. She is not afraid to speak about the Lord and share the Word

So now that you know the qualities of both a Christian Girl and a Woman of God, I would like you to keep that in mind for the rest of this guide.

I'll try to post as much as I can but with only school I'm not sure how often I'll post but I'll do my best. Anyways here are some questions for you to think about and reflect on:

1. How deep is your faith?

2. How often do you pray/talk with the Lord?

3. How often do you read your bible?

4. How often do you share the Word of God with others?

5. Are you constantly moved by the Holy Spirit or are you just stagnant (which is not good)

Can't wait to go on this journey with all of you in this beautiful guide. I love you all, and don't forget to pray and read your bible today. God bless you


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