He doesn't say anything but presses his hand against my back, bringing me closer to him.

"E?" He hums in response. "What's really going on? You ok?" I push back enough to tilt my head to the side looking up at him. "Something going on with you're parents or...?" I stop, my eyes go wide and I gasp. "Oh, fuck, I'm such a bad friend. I didn't even ask you if your parents were coming back for Chrissy?... so, are they?" My voice squeaking by the end.

Laughing at my rushed out word vomit he starts to nod. "Yep, they are actually coming. They called me last night."

Wrapping my arms around his neck I give him a tight hug, both his hands splayed on my back. "YAY! I'm so glad." Leaning back. "Will you still spend it with the Anderson's or do your own thing."

"Na, we'll all get together... I'm really looking forward to it." Both of our smiles creep into full blown grins until I remember what he asked me last Sunday night.

"I'm sorry I won't get to meet them. Maybe next time they're in town? Or one day we could go on a road trip to visit them?"

His head tilts to the side, half smiling at me. "You... want to go on a road trip... with me?" His eyes darting back and forth, brows slightly narrowing.

"Yeah! Of course. We could go as a group, hire a van or probably just pile into Mica's car coz that things fucking massive, buy one of those tent thingies that latch onto the roof so we have more sleeping room. Huh, amazing." I sigh and let my head tilt back staring at the lights above us, imaging how much fun that would be.

"What?" I lift a brow when I bring my eyes back to him to see him gazing down at me.

"It's nice to hear you making plans for us."

"Hey, I'm just hoping I get two Summers of road tripping, back to back. Planting those seeds now with you all so when I bring it up next April, you're all like, 'fuck yes, let's go.'" I laugh.

"So sneaky." He gives me a crooked smile and I shrug, continuing to sway with his hands around me.

A few minutes later Paul comes and taps me on the shoulder. Smiling at his nervous face, I turn away from Elijah who keeps his hands around me.

"Hey, do you think we could do it now?" He's fidgeting with his hands but I'm so excited for him.

Bouncing out of Elijah's hold, I quietly giggle and nod. "I'll go tell Masey to put it on in two songs time, so go grab her and start dancing now." Ordering him.

Paul runs off to find Tara and I'm about to run off too, until Elijah pulls me back into him, hands spanning my waist he turns me. "Sooo, where you goin?"

"Walk and talk. C'mon." Taking his hand, we walk towards Mase and I fill Elijah in on the plan that Paul and I have been organising since he asked Tara to the dance. The poor boy is still yet to ask her to be his girlfriend but tonight's the night.

Elijah's nodding, eyebrows raised. "Go Paul, didn't think he had it in him to be honest."

I scoff. "Why? Because he's shier than you and Mica? I don't see either of you with girlfriends."

"Not from lack of trying." He mumbles, looking across the heads of everyone in the hall.

"Well, he has been trying and tonight he's finally doing it!" I sing and laugh. Walking up, I stand next to Mase on the stage, his eyes are following someone in the crowd. "Masey?" He glances towards me. "It's time. I've told Paul you'll play it in two songs time, that cool?"

"Yep, I've got it lined up."

"Thanks Masey, I appreciate it..." Dropping my voice because Elijah's still standing pretty close to me, my hand in his, which I realise I should probably let go, but anyway. "Who were you watching in the crowd just now." Whispering.

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