✿ chapter 11 ✿

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dum wattpad flagged da image i put it was so cuuute , me angy !


Memories of the day before rushed through her brain as she was sitting in the great hall, she couldn't help but smile. Nothing really happened outside of kissing sprinkled in with some dirty talking, but it was enough to give her bright pink colored cheeks and a ditzy smile.

"someone's happy" River sat in front of her upon entering the room, he commented noticing the smile on the little angel's face.

"i mean it's a beautiful day don't you think, its all sunny and warm" her smile never fading, it was permanently placed there as long as the weather (Remus) allowed it.

"you're so cute" River chuckled.

and she went right back to her daydreams...

'I'm going to wreck you'

'please... daddy' she whispered a smirk lingering on her lips. Remembering the fantasy in his mind made her want to push his buttons, she wanted to awaken that Remus, and she was surely close to doing so.

'you weren't even born when i was a teenager, you dirty girl' her smirk remained only now turning bigger.

'tell me you really want this' she was about to open her mouth to reply but he could smell her arousal from miles away.

'you know what' he grabbed her by the neck turning her around making so her back was pressed against his hard on.

'you're such a good girl for daddy aren't you, of course you want this' his voice sounding totally condescending which only made her breathing hitched up further, Remus was definitely going to be the death of her.

'angel i haven't even touched you and you're already such a mess' he was referring to her blushing cheeks, erratic breathing, weak knees and disheveled hair due to being manhandle by Remus. 'such a cute mess' he added as whisper close to her ear.

'daddy, p-please i need you' she whispered attempting not to stutter but she failed only a little.

'so needy' he chuckled at her state, turning her around so she was facing him, he caressed her cheeks with his hands.

'not today, baby, i will make you feel good when you're ready' he slowly kissed her forehead and adjusted her hair with his hands 'so good, i promise' his low voice left her eager, she wanted it right there and then, she was really that close to throw a tantrum but with unknown strength she stopped herself even if but daddy... was that close to leave her plump lips.

"Lola I swear to merlin these last days you have been off to Lolaland more than usual and I'm only talking to the damn ghosts" River complained bringing her back to present reality.

"sorry River..." she pouted at him.

"why do you have to be so damn cute!? its impossible to be mad at you" he shook his head and got up, grabbing her arm "we have class in 5 minutes, c'mon"


Classes went by and she was yearning for Remus every second of the day. She was beyond scared her clinginess would overwhelm him so she attempted not to go by his office, but late at night she was twisting and turning in bed and it was getting quite exhausting so she decided to go on a walk, perhaps her brain would quiet down and leave her everywhere but on Remus office doorstep.

Much to her surprise she saw the weasley twins pace around in secrecy, they must be preparing a prank, which was perfect for distraction.

They saw her only a few seconds after she noticed them.

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