✿ chapter 8 ✿

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made a lil height comparison thingy ... hello size difference kink 🥵


The next morning Lola woke up with a knock on her door. She could vaguely remember the occurrences of the previous night where Remus held her in his arms, an inevitable smile made it's way to her lips. The knocking didn't cease taking her out of her daydreaming.

"Who is it?" she spoke clearly.

"It's me" the indistinguishable voice of River was heard from the other side of the door. He sounded weak and devastated but Lola wasn't ready to speak to him just yet.

"Go away..." she said softly returning under the blanket. Remus must have tucked me in... Lola's smile threatened to return at the thought.

"You and I both know that's not gonna happen" River was persistent to say the least.

She groaned and directed herself to the door, opening it harshly and glaring back at him.

"Speak" Lola demanded.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I saw Lupin come out of your room yesterday"

"I'm okay as you can see, now you can leave" she was about to close the door before he spoke again.

"Did you fuck him?" his question took her by surprise making her glare at him angrily.

"Are you really asking me that?"

"Yes, answer"

"No River I didn't fuck him, happy?" Lola made her way away from the door and River entered the room slowly.

"Don't act like I don't have reasons to be asking this" his eyes now becoming teary and his voice threatening to fail at any given second "I fucking love you Lola, why did you have to break my heart? you could have just ignored the first kiss and it wouldn't have hurt this much, you gave me hope for us..."

"I don't know why I did what I did..." she fidgeted with her fingers nervously "I don't know how I feel, River, I loved kissing you so I thought that was enough" she made eye contact with him, making him look down instantly, looking at her made him weak beyond repair.

"I think you know how you feel... I think you know you're in love with your professor and you used me as a distraction, I don't doubt you enjoyed kissing me, but do tell me was it always me that you saw while we kissed or was it his face ?" River sounded so hurt it was breaking her heart, but she deserved the heartbreak after all she caused his.

"I saw his face sometimes..."

"Yeah that's all I needed to know..." he was about to leave but Lola grabbed his hand preventing him from doing so "River..."

"Don't look at me like that you know I can't take it" he pleaded desperation evident in his tone.

"I never intended to use you, River, you never made your intentions clear either. I wasn't aware how you truly felt about me nor what you wanted from me... but it still didn't give me the right to be so unclear and insensitive, I'm sorry. Please forgive me"

"Yeah, I did make that mistake. it's difficult to express to your best friend of 6 years that you are in love with her, i just thought the kisses would give it away but apparently not. I was furious when I saw you flirt with that boy and the fact that you fancy Lupin, fuck, it just hurt too much. I'm sorry for my behavior these past weeks... its been far too complicated to come to terms with all this" Lola pulled his hand to sit down on her bed.

baby loves ♡ professor lupin Where stories live. Discover now