✿ chapter 5 ✿

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Pain. It was all she felt. There was nothing other than pain left. it took over the entirety of Lola's body as she ran towards the forbidden forest. She wanted to escape. She wanted the excruciating pain to stop more than anything in this world. River was going to leave her. There was no reason to exist anymore. The only person she had left was going to abandon her and there was nothing she could do about it instead of watching it happen, she didn't want to sit and watch it happen so she ran, secretly in hopes that maybe something would take her out of her misery. And she did it for a whole hour until she collapsed, her legs numb. loud sobs escaped her frozen lips as she sent the back of her head hard against a tree. Okay, I'm going to intervene for one second, I know what you're thinking: why is she being so dramatic? and look i'm not going to lie in her defense and mine i sorta get a itty bitty tiny desire to punch you for thinking that, but i understand it. It does sound dramatic if you're not the one experiencing it, so while you're reading this imagine yourself drowning, attempting to reach the surface but no luck there is an anchor holding you back, and continuously pushing you further into the bottom of the ocean as you watch the sunlight slowly fade away. Very very slowly. But don't focus on the end result, focus on the process, how a few minutes feel like hours on end. It's unbearable but you must bare it as there is no escape, till you can't bare it any longer, and your heart stops beating.

River, her best friend since she was 11 years old, the only person she had left in this world, the one who claimed that even in death would stay by her side, was going to leave her. She attempted to control her breathing but by then her vision had become blurry and she felt her body hit the cold ground. The last thing she saw was a faded figure rushing towards her.


She slowly adjusted her eyes to the incoming light, feeling her head spinning and spinning. Memories of running to the forbidden forest came to her. Oh what have you done Lola. Fully getting the just of her surroundings she realized she was in Hogwarts hospital wing. Well done you haven't killed yourself yet then she moved her vision to her left and spotted the one and only professor Lupin. FUCK.

"Did you found me?" she asked him scared out of her mind and surely she sounded just as scared as she felt.

"No. Hagrid did, you're lucky he was out there, you could have gotten seriously injured or worse, but enough of that. How are you feeling right now?" He sounded just as scared as herself but truly he was relieved that she was okay, only scared of what could've happened or might happen.

"I'm feeling okay... just my head hurts a little."

"Yeah, you have hit it pretty hard when you fell. Please just promise me you won't go back there alone and certainly not that late in the day." he pleaded feeling a desperate need of her reassurance that it wouldn't happen again.

Lola felt that fluttering feeling in her abdomen hearing his words, was he concerned? of course he was concerned he is a damn professor. Get the hang of it girl.

She did truly wanted to promise him that she wouldn't however she couldn't do it. She wasn't consciously doing it last time so how could she now consciously promise him such thing. She just couldn't and she certainly wasn't going to lie to him.

"I can't..." the witch managed to say barely as a whisper.

Before Remus could say anything back River stormed in the hospital wing and through the curtain separating her bed. When he noticed Remus the worry on his face seemed to turn into rage that he tried to conceal and focused on the hurt angel laying in the hospital bed.

"Lola, are you okay? what happened? Merlin, you scared the hell out of me" he sounded like he have been running perhaps he had.

"i'm fine River." she looked at Remus who was already standing up.

"I will leave you two to talk." he turned his face to Lola "Please consider my request, Miss Swan. You have my sincere best wishes." He politely lower his head at her and left the room leaving Lola and River alone.

"What the fuck was he doing here?" he half yelled at Lola who just looked at him liked a scared kitten, it quickly made him regret his words and soften the look on his face. "i'm sorry, i'm just worried..."

"about what?"

"you are in the hospital wing. and he ..." River huffed while anxiously walking around in front of the hospital bed; side to side, side to side (((*Ari and Nicki's song starts playing*))) as he pushed his hair back abruptly stopping mid way and rushing towards her, holding her hand and looking her straight in the eye "i'm afraid he is going to hurt you. you're too pure for this world, too inexperienced and he is over double your age" It's true that was one of River's concern but also he never saw her in love before, he had learned how your first love would forever hold a place in your heart, oh how he knew that so well. And he recognized how strongly Lola could feel about things, the abnormally high levels her feelings were capable of reaching, that all together was not a good mix. He knew that cake was bound to leave an awful taste in your mouth, that it could even deteriorate your insides if you're not careful enough while mixing the ingredients.

Lola couldn't say she understood his concern she was too busy idealizing Remus and the possibility of the two being together to see any possible bad outcome.

"River, it's okay ... i'm not as naive as you make it out to be, and i highly doubt anything will happen between us i don't think he is interested in me" she confessed. Lola hoped he was, with her whole heart, but in reality she was almost certain it would remain platonic. However that didn't mean she was just going to give up or stop daydreaming about the handsome man.

"Well that's where you're wrong. In both things. You are incredibly naive Lola, i love you and i don't mean this as a personal attack even though you might see it as such. I simply want to protect you." The wizard held the witch's hand tighter and looked her straight in the eyes once more, in that moment River felt a urge to kiss Lola, the way her lips looked so soft and perfectly kissable, they parted ever so slightly out of shock upon hearing his words, her glossy eyes looking deep into his dark orbs so he made a move, a move he would regret for the rest of his life but at that moment he felt euphoric. His lips collapsed with hers. Her first kiss. He stole her first kiss and he knew she was completely unaware of what to do and was astonished to her core, but even so he felt her lips slightly move against his. It all felt magical to him like everything he ever dreamed it would be and more. Out of all the kisses he had given before this took the cake. The sweetest. No matter how inexperienced, how shy and awkwardly her lips barely moved against his. He had dreamt of kissing her ever since first year, burying that thought so deep that came surfacing dramatically in that perfect instant. She pulled away slowly still with her mouth slightly opened, she couldn't comprehend what just happened. It was too much, just as it was too much for River so he ran out. Leaving Lola perplexed with the tip of her fingers lightly remembering the feeling of his ghostly lips on hers.


okay so i have some questions for u guys plz plz take the time to answer ( '><' )

1. do u want longer chapters ?

2. do u guys like slow-burn ? i personally am a fan of slow-burn but i would like ur opinion ! also do u want less river more remus ? or do u like river ??

3. give me book recommendations plz !!!! it can be wattpad or actual published books, as an enfp this is super duper helpful to improve my writing/creative skills if u know mbti then u know LOL

baby loves ♡ professor lupin जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें