Crossing Over

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Percy's POV

Percy knelt by the side of the flaming river. The immense heat seared his hand as he filled an imperial gold jar with the boiling liquid. Once full, he retracted his hand quickly. He dejectedly watched the blisters forming on his palm slowly faded away as his immortal body healed itself.

Now I know what you're going to say. Percy what are you doing and why in Hades' name did you accept immortality!? Well, he didn't accept it. Directly following Gaia's defeat, Percy had been overpowered by several earthborn and was going to die either to his injuries or to the monsters that had surrounded him. However, before he received a final blow, a bright golden light had flashed down slaying all of the monsters nearby. The goddess who had saved him was Hestia, but he was so close to death that she could not heal him. So she had given him immortality and claimed him as her champion.

Percy moved away from the burning water of the River Phlegethon with the jug of the hot liquid in his hands. He was currently in the Underworlds on a mission for his patron, Hestia, gathering some water from each of the five rivers. He had already visited the other four: the Cocytus, Acheron, Styx, and Lethe and now he had water from the Phlegethon as well. With this he should be one step closer to removing his immortality.

Images flew through his head, college at New Rome with Annabeth, a wedding, a simply house by the ocean, and children. He still desperately dreamed for a quiet life with Annabeth, and he would go as many quests as he needed to make that a reality. Slipping the fifth jar into his backpack, he hoisted it onto his back and began the return trip to the world of the living.

He pulled on the straps of his bag trying to position it in a more comfortable position. "When were liquids so heavy?" He absently asked his dark surroundings not expecting an answer.

"They've always been that heavy." An familiar voice said behind him. Percy whirled around only to come face to face with The King of the Olympians himself.

"Zeus..." Percy stepped back hesitantly. It was not normal for the gods to enter into each others domains. Something felt off to Percy. "What brings you he-" Percy began before Zeus cut him off.

"Perseus Jackson! You have grown too powerful for your own good. You are a wildcard that I cannot afford to leave unchecked any longer." And with a snap of his fingers, Zeus sent a huge gusts of wind at Percy. They slammed into him and he could finally understand what a belly flop must feel like. Losing his footing, Percy flew backwards and only then realized what lay behind him. It was a seemingly endless pit that was darker than black.

Percy struggled against the wind. He gathered all of the water in the surround air and tried to use it as a cushion to catch himself before he was blown into the shadowy hole, but he broke right throw it.

no! No! NO! NOOOOO! His mind screamed as memories of his previous 'trip' to the pit flashed through his mind. In a last attempt, his brain thought that attacking Zeus might help for some reason. So attack him he tried. With the fire abilities he received from becoming Hestia's champion, Percy tried to blast Zeus. But that only made the god even more angry and the winds intensified. The young hero slid to the edge of Tartarus and desperately tried to grab onto anything that might stop him from falling in. He cut his palms as his hands slipped off the damp rocks circling the pit. He plummeted into the darkness.

Not again, not alone, he thought as he clutched his hands to his chest. Golden ichor seeped through his clenched fists. The wind howling past him stung his injury and swept his tears away. He couldn't do it again.

Suddenly, a comforting voice rang out in his head. "Fear not, Perseus. I will not let my brother kill you." Hestia said. "But you cannot stay here anymore. I'll send you to a place beyond the gods."


"No hero, another dimension that we gods have abandoned long ago. You will be safe there from Zeus' wrath."

The walls around Percy narrowed and he knew from experience that it wouldn't be too much longer until he entered Tartarus.

"Make up your mind quickly. For I cannot help you once you are in Tartarus." Hestia's voice echoed around him.

Percy though of his friends and family. Would he ever be able to see them again? But if he fell into Tartarus, he would surely die.

"Okay. Send me to another dimension." Percy said quietly.

A fiery red ring appeared below him and he fell into it.

"Good luck, My Champion. I hope this world fairs you well." Hestia's reassuring voice faded as complete darkness engulfed Percy.


Hey Guys, Thanks for reading. Letting me know what you think. I'm planning on making the other chapters longer, but it felt right to stop here. I also don't own any of the characters obviously. See you soon!

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