Standing by Hatter's proximal at the head of the table was Aguni, looking down at his friend with a blank expression. But with one close look at the man could one could easily noticed the battle that was going on in his mind. Riko tried to not let her stare linger too long, now that Hatter was gone Aguni could finally do something about her being to curious.

In came two figures. One being Ann, and the other was the blue hat kid from the tag game. Once they stopped, the boy commented, "It seems like he couldn't clear the game. The maintenance team found him by chance in Shinjuku while we were refilling gasoline."

Chance, you say? I doubt it. Not a single movement goes unplanned in this wicked world.

Ann reached out towards Hatter, her hand almost making contact with the pale skin until a voice interrupted, "Hey, don't touch him as you please." Riko noticed Niragi entering the room, walking eerily slow behind Ann as he still held the rifle in his hand, laying the weapon casually against his shoulder in an unspoken threat. "You dissection maniac."

"He was shot by a gun." Ann pointed out. It was visible by his left pectoral. The shot created a bruise that spread amongst most of the skin, showing in a dark red and purple tint. "Did his game involve guns?"

"Most likely. Some of those near the game area heard gunshots too." The boy with the blue hat informed.

Riko considered his words for a split moment, only to brush it off. Unlikely. The gunshots were probably someone shooting Hatter. He more than likely didn't make it too the game. Riko nodded to herself, this was a smart move. Easy to pass off as the dangerous games.

"Oh, my. He should have brought the militants along with him!" Niragi cried out dramatically, as though it would had changed anything.

Riko tried to keep her gaze as hidden as she could while gauging the expressions of the others in the room. It's difficult to pinpoint which one did it, but I'm sure it was a militant. But then her gaze went to Aguni. The empty stare made her suspect it was him, but it could have easily been taken care of by Niragi or Kurayami.

     Just who pulled the trigger?

A moment of silence passed amongst the group as they all observed the corpse lying on the table. Then a boy Riko didn't recognize inquired meekly, "What's going to happen to the Beach?"

Who cares. I just want out.

Mira spoke up, "Keep this a secret from the rest. They'll be shaken by this." A strangely pleasant smile crossed her face as her hands interlaced each other innocently in front of her abdomen. Riko watched her eery movements with narrowed eyes, this woman sure does enjoy the chaos. Can't blame her though.

Glasses walked closer to the table, reasoning, "I'll be the next leader since I'm Number two."

"Wait a second." Riko let out a huff of air as her way to laugh at Niragi's quick interruption. She watched him patrol around the table with an innocent expression. Here to take control, the militants. Gotta love them for being predictable.

"Shouldn't the strongest person be the leader?" Niragi asked, stopping between Glasses and Niragi. "We're the ones who have been getting rid of the traitors, yet we've been treated as shadows the entire time. This unfair treatment ends today!"

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