Riko watched him and rolled her eyes, why can't he just admit he has a crush on her? It's obvious to everyone but them. Deciding to input herself in the conversation she gripped the railing and jumped over it carefully. It wasn't too high so she was able to land and feel(and look) like a badass. Arisu hastily turned to see what the noise was, only to find Riko walking towards him casually.

"In case we need it?" Arisu questioned, "What does she mean?"

"Information is important, you can do a lot with it." Riko shrugged, pointing out an obvious fact that Arisu should have known.

Arisu turned to the left, and spotted two girls speaking to each other. He perked up, and ran towards them, "Hey, can I ask both of you something?" He questioned.

The girl to the left gripped the other girl's wrist fast and in a blink they were running away. Arisu called after them, "Wait, I'm not trying to hit on you!"

Riko snorted as neither girl turned around, "I don't think they care."

      Suddenly two loud bangs occurred, making them both turn at the sound fast as lightning. Gunshots?

     Arisu turned to Riko who shrugged, not taking her eyes away from the corner that the noise came from. The male then turned around and began to walk quietly towards the noise. Riko watched him peer around the corner of the building with a frown. Why does he always investigate? You would die in a horror movie for this you know. The brunette put her hands in her pockets before silently walking behind him.

      Arisu turned around to try and tell her to follow, but got scared when he saw her behind him. He almost let out a shocked scream but she hushed him, bringing a finger to her mouth to tell him to be quiet.

      He was able to hold in his scream and nodded, hid eyes still wide as he turned back around after calming down to sneak around the corner. Once he wasn't shot immediately, Riko followed. She spotted Arisu walking up to a dumpster. Oh no, please don't touch it.

     He didn't listen to her thoughts pleas as he opened the lid. The metal sleet on top folded and revealed blood stains. Riko frowned when her curiosity got the better of her. She joined Arisu by it and covered her nose, "It smells like crap, will you please close it—"

     "How are you unfazed, there's dead bodies in here!" Arisu motioned to the bodied that laid in the dumpster, but Riko was more worried about the pungent smell than the corpses. They were seeing people die practically everyday, why was he so frightened by this? Sure it seemed like a utopia, but with militants walking around with weapons surely some people would be disposed of.

     Riko stared at him, trying to convince him telepathically to close it. She tried to make him embarrassed by asking, "Why are you trying to stare at corpses?"

     "I'm not!" He defender and finally obliged, shutting the lid, coughing because of the rancid stench that emitted by the collision of the metal.

     A voice spoke from behind them. "That is the true nature of this utopia. This is part of the Beach's rule. Death to all traitors." Both of them turned to see the owner of the voice. Behind them were Chishiya, and Kuina.


     Chishiya and Kuina had brought them back onto the roof, and Riko was getting deja vu from yesterday. Now they were standing in a spread out square position. Riko diagonal from Chishiya and Kuina and Arisu facing each other.

     Riko looked up at the bright sky, finding the sun burning into her as she did so. She squinted her eyes on instinct and looked down, it's too early to be somewhere so bright.

     Chishiya recalled, "You and Usagi seem to have collected a large amount of information. What are you both planning?"

       "Nothing much." Arisu shifted his weight to his other foot. He looked between the other people on the roof with a slightly anxious expression, which proved his statement incorrect.

     "I'll cut to the chase. How will you live in this world that's full of despair?" Chishiya interrogated Arisu, which gave Riko deja vu from the other day when he had brought her up here and questioned the same thing.

     Riko scoffed at Chishiya's words, is that just your go to quote?

      Arisu was confused by his question, "How?" He quoted Chishiya. He turned to both Kuina and Riko for more explanation but neither gave it to him. Although Riko was explaining it in her head.

"I just want to know the answers to my questions." Arisu answered after a second of pondering what Chishiya meant, "The one's behind this crazy game. And who killed Karube and Chota."

Riko tuned out the conversation slightly and walked closer to the edge of the roof. She looked down at those playing at the pool like they had nothing better to do. She pondered, how long would it take to fall from here?

The brunette started to think of the answer while the others continued to discuss. Eventually she overheard Chishiya say, "What a tearjerker."

Riko laughed slightly at the strange comment. She mouthed what, still not facing the group. She shook her head, I have never heard that before.

"Your dream...It's cool, but it's not practical at all." Chishiya shut down as she heard his quiet footsteps get louder along with his voice. She didn't turn around even as she heard him right behind her.

"You'll have to win all the games and become the next Number One, but that's impossible." Kuina did the same, walking towards Riko.

"It had nothing to do with you guys." Arisu defended as the two stopped next to Riko who had finally turned around.

"We think that you have potential."

"What?" Arisu questioned Chishiya's words.

"That's why we came to meet you."

Riko turned to Chishiya with suspicious thoughts dancing in her eyes, you are gathering people, but why? You're selfish, no doubt. So why are you getting people to join you if your plan would be successful?

"What do you mean?" Arisu asked.

Chishiya clarified, "What if I said there's a way to change the status quo all at once?"

Riko watched the sly man carefully. She observed the way his lips twitched upwards as if he were so sure of himself. They way his eyes crinkled as he looked at Arisu as if he knew some he didn't.

She watched and she licked her lips. This is a challenge. He's intelligent, and probably trying to throw us under the bus for his own gain. But I won't let him.




Happy holidays to those
who celebrate!

Question for a future
Stay together or split

Posted: December 26, 2022
Words: 1546
Edited: ✘︎

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