Until Arisu's gaze drifted to the right, warning, "Look out!" before bumping into Riko who bumped into Chishiya.

     The blonde reached into his pocket and pulled out the music player, instead of playing tunes he tased the tagger with it. So it's a taser...

     The horse mask-wearing tagger fell to the floor and Chishiya smugly remarked, "It never hurts to be prepared—" however his bragging was cut off by the tagger popping up and beginning to shoot.

     Chishiya grabbed onto the back of Riko's hoodie and began to drag the brunette out of the room. Closing the blue door the girl thought back to the last thing she saw, Arisu rushing into another room.

     "Did Arisu get into the safe room?" Riko spoke nervously as the two quietly crept a foot away from the door to avoid getting shot through it.

     "Someone please come over!"

     Speak of the devil.

     "The safe zone is in apartment room 406! It's impossible to clear the game alone! We need two people to do this!" Arisu continued to yell outside of a window, his voice echoing around the apartment complex.

     "Seriously?" Chishiya groaned, holding the doorknob.

     "The lungs on that guy...do you think his throat hurts from yelling so much?" Riko turned to the man, watching him shoot her a face that said 'seriously?'

     "What? I'm curious." The brunette shrugged and heard a door being kicked in along with gunshots.

     "Time remaining, one minute."

     Oh crap...

     Chishiya finally opened the door slowly and walked in front of Riko quietly. Slowly peering into the second room that Arisu rushed into. The blonde jerked back and hit Riko in the face accidentally as the tagger began shooting at the door.

     "Damn it," Riko whispered to herself as she felt her nose, it wasn't bleeding it just hurt. Chishiya looked back at her quickly before turning back.

     "Someone! Please come!" Arisu screamed from the room.

     After waiting a few seconds and seeing Chishiya not do anything, Riko sighed and decided she was. Diving her hands into his pockets to find the music player the man jumped slightly at the new contact.

     "What are you doing?" He questioned dully as he moved his hands out of the way to give her more access.

     "Taser. Where?" Riko rushed out as she continued patting him down and searching his pockets.

     "Time remaining, thirty seconds!"

     Seeing him make no move she continued, "Cmon man we don't have time for this!"

     "Twenty seconds remaining."

     "Here." The blonde pulled it out of who knows where and she grabbed it. Pushing a hand on his chest to move him backward Riko takes his role of being next to the door.

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