Jotaro Kujo³ [Sleep Talking]

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After a tiring day of fighting enemy stand users, you crashed down on the bed that you and Kakyoin shared.

Mr. Joestar said it'd be best and cheap if the students shared a room together, not only that but you are incredibly small compared to the giants so it's easy for you to share a bed with Kakyoin.

You pouted, still mad about the decision Mr. Joestar made. He could've got you a room but noooo, the old fart said it'd be better to share with the teenagers filled with testosterone.

Well, you are the crusaders' healer and you have the weakest stand in exchange for supporting attributes. You sighed in frustration, "Still... It'd be nice to have some peace by myself.." Closing your eyes, you start to doze off.




You woke up feeling thirsty. Looking at the window, the moon was up and stars littered the sky. Slowly and quietly you stood up, not wanting to wake up the sleeping redhead.

Your bag was on the other side of the room, near Jotaro's bed. Tip-toeing, careful to not make any noise, you reached your bag and dug around to find your water canister.

After a while, you finally found it and drank some water but drinking that water made you fully wake up. You sighed and looked beside you. Jotaro was facing you, still in deep sleep. He looked so peaceful, his usual scowl is softened while he quietly snores.

And he still has that damned hat on even when he's sleeping. 'At least he isn't wearing his gakuran.'

An idea crept into your mind. 'He wouldn't mind if I take his hat, right?' You smiled with a hint of mischief 'of course he wouldn't, he's asleep! He won't even realize I took his hat!'

You slowly reached for the brim of his hand when all of a sudden a rough hand caught your wrist. Scared, you yelped and fell on your ass. But you felt yourself getting pulled up, into Jotaro's arms. "Mmnh... Sh...up....dolphin.." Jotaro mumbles under his breath and spooned you.

You laid there, confused and surprised, you awkwardly place your hands on his built chest. After some readjusting, you felt comfortable and slowly start to fall back asleep.

"" Your eyes quickly shot open and you looked at his face, he was still asleep or so you thought. "Dol..phin....." Holding in your giggles, you smiled and closed your eyes again to finally sleep.




Feeling someone pushing you roughly, you feel yourself fall with a loud thud. Then you felt pain and something warm was trickling down your forehead. Grunting you sat up and slowly open your eyes, Kakyoin was in front of you with a concerned expression while Jotaro has his scowl but mixed with guilt.

You could hear Kakyoin saying something but you couldn't register it as you have just woken up. "Kakyoin... I can't understand you... slowdown.." Touching your forehead, you winced. Then it finally clicked.

Jotaro had pushed you off the bed.

You glared at Jotaro. "What was that for?!" While you were coming to your senses, Kakyoin grabbed a medkit and is now wiping off the blood.

"I panicked. Couldn't you just heal yourself?" He grumbles feeling somewhat sorry but still mad at why you were sleeping on his bed.

"No, I can't. My stand doesn't work like that," you grunt feeling a headache coming. "How did you even end up on Jotaro's bed?" Kakyoin asked as he puts a band-aid on your forehead. Jotaro looked at you with one of his eyebrows up.

You rubbed your eyes, "I was grabbing water and stealing jotaro's hat before he pulled me in." You stated while maintaining a blank expression.

"Why would you even steal my hat?" He grunts. "Dunno, thought it'd be funny to see you wake up with no hat." You shrugged before standing up while wobbling, Kakyoin helps you maintain your balance until a loud bang puts you off.

"WE HEARD A LOUD NOISE IS THERE AN ENEMY USER?!" Mr. Joestar yells while Polnareff and Avdol enter in.

You groan, feeling your headache worsen. "It's nothing Mr. Joestar." You shook your left hand in the air while grabbing onto Kakyoin. "I just fell off the bed."

Polnareff gasps "Ma/Mon cherie! Are you alright? We don't want your pretty face to be ruined!" He cups your face, inspecting the wound. "I'm fine Pol!" You push him off and gave him a small smile. "My head hurts but besides that I'm fine."

"We were just about to have breakfast, join us when you feel better." Avdol walks out and Joseph drags Polnareff with them. After a while, Kakyoin stands up and follows them not before gently petting your head.

Now it's only just you and the huge emo.

"I'm sorry..." A quiet gruff voice apologizes. You look up at Jotaro to see him pulling down his hat to hide his face.

"It's alright. You slept like a baby last night and it sounded like you had a nice dream too." You smiled at him. He pushes his hat up with a surprised expression but it was only there for merely a second when he grunts and looks away.

You giggled and walked away, presumably to have breakfast.

Unbeknownst to you, Jotaro was half-awake that night and enjoyed every moment cuddling you but he wouldn't admit that.

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