2. It has only just begun

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Mark opens his eyes slightly, adjusting to the darkness.

"Johnny?" He looks around the unfamiliar place. Where was he? what happened? he didn't remember a thing. All he remembered was that man's face but who was that man? he didn't remember anything about him except his handsome face and eerie smirk.

A few moments later, Mark notices a small pastel green post-it note on the floor a few centimetres away from him. He leans over, picks it up and peers at it, trying to read it in the darkness.


Hope you rested well, the game
has just begun.

~ Y


Mark groans, what sick fuck did this and why him? What had Mark done to deserve this? He searches his pockets for his phone and finds it but he had no reception. "Ah fuck" He whines, letting his head fall back and hit the wall he was sitting up against. He just wanted to go home, he just wanted to live a peaceful life with his friends and not be fucking kidnapped by some psycho freak who's gonna do god knows what to him.

He needed to find a way out.

Mark stands up and picks up the post-it note, carefully folding it and stuffing it into his pocket with the thought there may be more post-its scattered around the place. He looks around the darkness of the hallway he was in and sees he was upstairs as there was a set of stairs going downwards just a couple of meters in front of him... unless that was the basement. Mark silently walked towards it and saw it lead to the downstairs. He peers down and sees the front door, there's no way whoever did this made it so easy to escape, but he'll check it just in case. Mark silently makes his way down the stairs and to the front door, carefully trying the handle but sighing. As he expected, the door was locked. He looked around to find a key anywhere but there was no key to be seen.

Mark makes his way into the large living room and looks around. This house was pretty nice, but not when you know that your kidnapper is living in it. He looks around in the drawers and to his luck, he discovers a penknife. Mark smirks and pockets it, wandering off through the french doors and into the dining room. The dining room was maybe a little smaller than the living room but equal in how expensive it looked. He had his own small bar as well. Mark's eyes scan the room and he notices a bowl of fruit with another pastel green post-it on it.


You must be pretty hungry
you're more than welcome to
take a fruit.

~ Y


His tummy makes a noise that sounded more like a question. Was he going to eat fruit from the bowl or should he stay away? God knows what his kidnapper has done to those fruits. The boy decides to pick up a green apple from the bowl and takes a deep breath before taking a bite out of it. He chews on it, expecting the worst yet nothing happens... the apple was alright and tasted really good.

As Mark wandered around the house, eating the apple, he decided to make his way back upstairs after finding nothing useful downstairs. He ended up in the place he woke up and noticed yet another post-it note on a door at the end of the hallway.


If you go into the second room,
you will find another note.

~ Y


"Second room?" Mark mutters to himself looking at the two doors. "Which one is the second room?" He asks himself, scratching his head and looking repeatedly from one door to another trying to figure out what 'Y' mean by the 'second room'. "It could mean any one of these fucking doors" Mark groans before trying the door on his left which was open. He then tries the door on the right and sucks his teeth. "They were both the second door" He mumbles before entering the first door he opened.

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