🥐Chapter 10🥐

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*suddenly beeg bangs and crahses*

Barry what the shet was that
'bitch idfk'
Shall we go check it out?
'have you never watched a horror movie?? NEVER check out loud sounds'
oh ok

then suddenly the door came crashing down, revealing this being with a funni mask

"hi fellas"
'who tf are you?'
"My codename is Arsonist"
well that's delightful isnt it
'well, what u doin here'
"i was originally sent by Fiona to burn yalls house but since shes already paid the £100,000 im just not gonna do it"
'so you scammed Fiona'
lmao never liked that bitch
"neither, anyway another's gone to burn your old house"
"they didnt get paid first because theyre a beginner"
'anyways so lets be pals'
"ok sure"

so they go off to scam Feet owe her about 50 more times to get more money

Shrek x Barry B Benson (2020 ver)Where stories live. Discover now