🅰️Chapter 9🅰️

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-back at home because yeh-


"Helo Shrek welcome back home how did the court trial go?"

'well i think my will to live just fuckin died but i got the moneys lul.'

"pog, how much did u gets?"

'£63838292920273.99 because it was also half of Fiona's money and well she was rich after being a hoe but i got it all now.'

"lmao seems legit anyways what shall we do with all of this?"

'can we buy NASA? :3'

"be legit, what shall we do?"

'idk but we can get a new place and beeg gucci.'

"LoL K"

And then off they went on a spending spree in downtown London. they got an actual house with plentiful gucci and private jets/chefs yet still has plenty money left.
-back to the main story-

"lol this is great."


-now heres where it happens because i just need to make it quick-

"so shrek"


"Since your now singel can me please date u :3"

'okay sure'


-ok back to the plot again-

it iz nighttime because everything relevant happens at this time

"its getting very late Shrink shall we go to slep"

'yes i feel like im gonna keel over and die if i dont nap'


but tHeN-

*now yall gotta wait till the nExt one to see who appears. why? because im just a dick*

Shrek x Barry B Benson (2020 ver)Where stories live. Discover now