"LOUIS! MUM!" She screamed. Both the mother and son came running down and gasped at the sight.

There stood Harry with blood running down his nose. His hair all messy. His eyes puffed from crying. His body looked exhausted. Louis rushed towards his boy and engulfed him in a bear hug. Harry melted at the touch and started to sob vigorously. He clung on to Louis like a koala bear and wrapped his legs around his waist.

"Louis get him in. He must be freezing." Jay said worriedly.

Louis had tears streaming down his face too. He can't bare to see his baby like this so vulnerable. The tv was turned off, all the girls were looking at them, not being able to understand what was happening. Louis sat down on the sofa with his baby in his arms.

"Girls give them space. Head to your rooms." Jay said politely. All the girls nodded and went. Jay went to grab a blanket for Harry.

"Baby please calm down." Louis whispered against Harry's ears. They words seemed to work like magic. He relaxed a bit but he was still crying hard. Jay wrapped a blanket around Harry and went to make some Hot chocolate to lighten his mood. Louis strated to rock him back and forth and started to sing;

We were so beautiful
We were so tragic
No other magic
Could ever compare

I lost myself, seventeen
Then you came, found me
No other magic
Could ever compare

Harry's cry lowered down and he was listening to Louis carefully.

There's a room
In my heart with the memories we made
Took 'em down but they're still in their frames
There's no way I could ever forget, hmm

For as long as I live
And as long as I love
I will never not think about you
You, hmm
I will never not think about you

Harry clung on to him more as he continued.

From the moment I loved
I knew you were the one
And no matter whatever I do
Ooh, hmm
I will never not think about you

What we had only comes
Once in a lifetime
For the rest of mine
Always compare

To the room
In my heart with the memories we made
Nights on fifth, in between B and A
There's no way I could ever forget, hmm

Harry was not crying anymore but just absorbing Louis' melodious voice.

For as long as I live
And as long as I love
I will never not think about you
You, hmm
I will never not think about you

The song finally came to an end and Harry completely calmed down but still clung onto Louis like it was the end.

"It's alright baby. I am here. Always." Louis whispered and kissed his forehead. They pulled away just to stare at each other. Jay came back with hot chocolate just to fond at the boys.

"Harry love, here have some hot chocolate. It helps." Jay said sweetly.

Harry tried to get up from Louis's lap only to be stopped by Louis; "you can drink while sitting here." Louis said. A blush creeped on his face. Jay kissed his head and left the room.

"What happened baby?"

"My mother told me that we-we are m-movinv to America."

"I am so sorry baby but there is something more. Come on tell me love." Louis said while caressing the boy.

"They didn't even ask me what I wanted. They never cared. They just wanted me to agree to them and leave my whole life behind for the benefit of their company. I got really angry and I said what I felt and packed my bag and was about to leave, when my mother said that if I leave she will never ask me to come back." Harry said with watery eyes. Louis held him close.

"I was driving here and these voices started coming back and they said that I deserve to die. I got frustated and pulled the break while speading so I hit my nose on the steering." Tears were streaming down his face. Louis held the boy close.

"They don't care about me. All they care about is money. I am their son. I wish I was never born."

"Don't say anything like that. If you were never born; I wouldn't have met you. You are perfect to me. Don't worry about them love. They will come around. You will stay with us. We will graduate together and then join Uni. Together. I have got you babe." Louis said with a smile. Harry smiled back.

Jay came back with a med kid. To clean Harry's nose. "Honey, you had hit your nose hard. It's not broken though. Come let me clean it up for you."

Harry smiled and got up from the comfortable position. Aka Louis's lap. Jay quickly cleaned him up and asked him what happened. He told Jay everything, even about the voices. Because he felt like he could. By the end of it she had tears streaming. She hugged Harry. It was different form the way Louis hugs him. It was a motherly hug and he needed it. He cried again to be comforted by Jay. Louis adored the sight infront him.

If they could fly ~ larryWhere stories live. Discover now