Chapter 15

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"Harry! Let's go mum wants us to get some grocery." Louis shouts from downstairs.

"I am coming!" He shouted back.

Harry came downstairs looking extremely cute and adorable and according to Louis it should be illegal to look so darn cute. Hah. "Harry, I am trusting you with this one. Louis always forgets something at least when he goes shopping even though it's on the list." Jay said from the kitchen. "No problem Jay." Harry said with a smirk. Louis fondly rolled his eyes.

Louis pulled out his car from the garage and like a gentleman he was, he opened the door for Harry, to which obviously Harry blushed. They were driving to the supermarket that was far away from Louis's home because Harry suggested it had more discount. Haha. "Harry?" "Yeah Louis." "We have your doctor's appointment tomorrow." A sad smile frowned upon his face and Louis just intertwined their fingers together. "It'll be fine. I will be there with you." A smile reappeared on Harry's face. Then they drove in a complete silence. A comfortable one. They pulled into the supermarket and went in with their hands intertwined together. Holding hands might not seem like a big deal to people, but to them it meant the world, they both had feelings for each other but both of them were too scared of other's reaction. Hah typical. But no their story wasn't some typical old geeky story, it was their iconic pathway to friendship?

After an hour of bickering about which soap to buy they were finally stood at the cash counter where they paid for the groceries. In the drive back home, Harry asked Louis, "Louis, am I a burden?" Louis frowned upon the question and took Harry's hand in his and said, "you are anything but a burden. You can never be a burden to me or mum. And the sisters love you as well." A big-huge-massive grine appeared on Harry's face.


They were in Lottie's room, where Harry was pouting because he was getting his makeup and hair done by the four girls, it's not that he didn't like it but the girls were trying to make him look like medusa and Louis was laughing his ass off because Harry was getting a medusa makeup done. He was filming the entiring incident, so that he could blackmail Harry later. Oh what a nice lad Louis is. The fact that Harry was opening up to his whole family brought peace to his heart. Harry needed some people that actually love him and all of them will be there for him and Harry was great with kids and with his mum. Jay also felt a kind of attachment to Harry. Jay felt like Harry was a part of the family. It was getting near to when Harry will go back to his home and none of them wanted that to happen. Not even Doris and Ernest, so what they couldn't express their feelings. They loved Harry.

Finally after getting the medusa makeup done and doing a photoshoot, Harry was allowed to remove the makeup. He rushed to the bathroom and gladly did it. The lads were coming over to Louis's house for Fifa. Louis and Harry together set up the place in his room. Soon enough the kads errupted from the door. Niall's contagious laughter filled the house and the girls came rushing downstairs to meet their favourite Niall. They all hugged the three of them and all four of them rushed towards Harry and tackled him to the ground. He was laughing hard, "I was with you all the whole time. Why are you girls attacking me?" He said panting with a smile on his face. All the other kads along with Jay were laughing. And Niall being the leprechaun he was recorded the incindent.

The girls got up from him and Lottie said, "it's because us girls love you and you are adorable. You are like a brother to us." Tears started to well up in his eye. He has never felt so loved till this momemt. Each of the girls kissed his cheeks and ran back upstairs. All of the four lads were staring at Harry fondingly. All of them really liked Harry. He was a part of them now. They all gave him a massive group hug and asked Jay to join them. She gladly did and ran in circles while in the hug, laughing. As the hug broke up, Niall rushed to the fridge and got a butt loads of snacks. "You can take some from the fridge if you want." He said innocently to the lads. All of them laughed at the lad and Liam pecked his lips. Niall blushed at that.

This time it was Niall against Zayn in Fifa. Harry was cheering for Zayn and Louis was cheering for Niall. While Liam was adoring the lads. Niall finally won. Hooting like a mad dog along with Louis. While Harry and Zayn rolled their eyes together. Liam was just laughing at the two lads who lost. "Ugh you guys are so irritating. I am gonna order a pizza." Zayn said while getting up from the floor. "Bring for us too." Niall shouted behind him and he got a finger from Zayn.

Out of nowhere Harry started to feel anxious. He started to feel restless and excused himself to go to the bathroom. Louis noticed it and went behind him. Harry was leaning against a wall of the bathroom, breathing heavily. "Hazza! Are you okay?" Louis asked concerned. Tears were flowing down Harry's face. Louis didn't know why or how but his eyes watered as well. He went to stand beside him.

Harry sat on the ground leaning against the wall with his knees to his chest. He was trembling and mumbling something like, "No stop!", "Please." Louis knew what was happening.

"Harry please listen to me. Please." Louis pleaded tears streaming down his face as well. They boys must have heard him. All of them entered the bathroom and froze in the spot. Niall and Zayn were heck confused but Liam seemed to get it. Louis looked at them and said, "The voices are not going away. He is not listening." With a broken voice. Then he turned back to Louis and called out for Harry. After some time Harry noticed his presence and hugged him tightly and started to sob deeply. "Louis please make them go away. Please. They are not listening. They are telling me you guys aren't my friends. Please tell them to stop." Harry said in between sobs. Louis was sobbing as well, but he pulled himself together for Harry and cupped his cheeks and said, "Hazza, you know no one us can ever hurt a sweet boy like you. We really like you. You mean so much to me already. Don't listen to what the voices are saying. They just want to tear us apart. I will not let them. You are so strong, I am proud of you. All of us are. Don't worry. Please don't listen to them." Harry's sobbing turned into slow whimpers. Zayn had tears falling down his face as well. He seems like a tough guy but he is just a softie at heart. Niall and Liam also had water in their eyes. Louis knew exactly what he had to do now. He held his Harry closer to him and started to sing;

There was a time when I was alone
No where to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away too
Then one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for a while
He said Peter Pan that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely
And ever since that day.

I am a Lost Boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the Woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook.

Run run Lost Boy, they say to me
Away from all of reality
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free.


And Lost Boys like me are free

As the song came to an end, Harry was sound asleep in his arms. He looked at him and kissed the curly head. And then carried him bridal style to his room and laid him down.

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