Chapter 2

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Niall was showing Harry the campus. Niall tried to make small-talks in between but Harry tried his best to avoid the situation. He was near the library walking along side Niall, but suddenly Niall stopped and turned to him, he opened his mouth to say something but then decided against it. Harry raised a eyebrow and asked, "what?" Niall replied, "Nothing, I just have some work to do with my friends, come with me, it won't take long." Harry was convinced that this is not what he was going to say but decided to not push it. He just simply nodded. How bad could meeting someone's friend be, he just will keep his head down and won't talk to anyone. 

Niall took the lead and Harry followed him. They were near the cafeteria now. Harry hated the smell of food. He felt sick. As they entered the cafeteria, two guys came up to him, one black haired boy who had tattoos over his body and a brunette boy, who still had tattoos but less than the other one. The brunette haired one came up to Niall and pecked his cheeks. Niall instantly blushed and said, "Liam Payne, stop doing this, you never let me do some work." and then he laughed. 

"Oh right guys, this is Harry, he's new here." and then he turned to Harry and  said, "Harry this is Zayn, one of my best buds and this is Liam, my boyfriend." Niall blushed as he said Liam was his boyfriend. Harry noticed that and smiled to himself. The two boys said hello to him and he returned the gesture. 

Niall asked Zayn, " Where's Lou?". Zayn looked up from his phone and said, " well, I don't know, he's always late." All three of them huffed. They asked Harry some questions that why did he move to this new school, which he replied by saying that, his old one wasn't somewhere Harry liked going to, which was true. They also asked Harry that what's his major, he replied by saying Psychology. Harry was now feeling a bit comfortable around them and he thought that yes maybe he could open up to them, he had a feeling in his heart saying that they won't judge him. 

Within five minutes, a brunette boy appeared from nowhere. He was short, not short in general but shorter than Harry. He was wearing black skinny distressed jeans with a white v neck t-shirt. He had tattoos all over him, and some piercings too. But that's not what caught his attention. The boy had the brightest pair of blue eyes that Harry had ever seen. Harry saw there's something hidden behind those charming blue eyes, pain. The boy came up to them and fist punched Niall, Zayn and Liam. He eyed Harry and then asked the lads that who is this new guy. Niall replied, "This is Harry. he's new here." 

"Can't this Harry guy speak for himself." Louis replied. Harry was not going to take shit now. He was bullied previously but now he just couldn't face any type of insult. 

"Well, sure thing, 'this Harry guy' can talk, he would have talked if you asked him who he was." Harry ratted out. All of them were looking at him. All of them were surprised. Louis just rolled his eyes in response and Liam burst out in laughter, which was later on joined by Niall and Zayn. Not matter what Harry says that how rude Louis was to him, but he was fascinated by him. Now it was time for their first period, the bell rang. Harry had psychology as his first class. He parted ways from the 4 lads and while he was going away. Niall reached up to him and said to "Meet them in cafeteria during lunch time." which Harry agreed to, although he didn't want to, he was going to say no, but Niall's cute face made him say yes. 

He reached his class and gladly the professor wasn't in there. He sat own at the corner of the front row. Soon the class was filled with students and a charming lady came in the room. It looked like that she was in her mid 40's. She gave the whole class a bright smile and said, "Morning Class. I am Mrs. Merle. I will be teaching you Psychology this year. I am very excited to teach you guys." She clapped her hands and then said, "So, let's start with....."

Harry flinched away at the sound of the bell, thankfully no one noticed. That's what he thought. Mrs. Merle said goodbye to the class and Harry quickly got up and headed towards the door. But he was stopped by two boys. They stood in front of him and one of them said, "You are Harry Styles, aren't you? Marcus told us about you. Said to look out for you. Huh." The other one smirked and said, "Yeah so we two are going to look out for you, so that you won't get bullied. Right Stewart?" 

Stewart replied, "Right Josh. So when do you think we should start looking out for this little birdie here? I think we should start from tomorrow." "Yeah I'd agree with you, till then be safe Fag." and then smacked Harry on the arm. 

Harry was holding in tears. That name brought some terrible memories. He just couldn't control his emotions anymore. He rushed to the bathroom. To his luck, no one was there. He went inside a stall and locked himself in and just cried for what seemed like an eternity. When he finished crying, he just sat there and did nothing. He was just listening to them talk. He just listened how they said that Harry is just a worthless fag and how he should just die. He tried so hard to fight it. So hard, but couldn't help it. He was now scratching at his arms, vigorously. He didn't notice the blood coming out of his skin. He felt utterly worthless, he just wanted to die. Harry was now again crying. He flinched away at the sharp sound of the bell which said that lunch was now over. Harry groaned to himself, not only because he had been sitting there for a lot of time but also because he told Niall that he would, meet him in the cafeteria. He got up, washed his face, hid his scars, by the nail scratching and left the bathroom. He tried his best to look decent. 

* * * *

"Guys, did Harry not like me ? He said that he would come to lunch with us but he didn't." Niall said to his best buds. 

"Aww, babe don't worry he must have been busy. How could someone not like you?" Liam replied which made Niall smile. While Louis said, "Huh, I couldn't care less about him." 

Zayn replied by fake-laughing and said, "Yeah sure. We all know that you are a bit fascinated by him. The way you stared at his ass while he was going away wasn't just anything. You have to admit he's quite cute. The hair, the eyes, the face, all just add more to his beauty. Isn't it Tommo?" 

Louis just groaned in reply. He was not going to admit that yes he was fascinated by Harry, not only because. he was the prettiest boy he has ever seen, but also Harry just stood out to him. The way he replied Louis showed that, he's insecure about something. Louis knows for sure that Harry wants to talk about it but just couldn't gather up the courage to do so. They all then continued talking about how much Niall can eat at one sitting. But Louis's mind was wondering about the curly haired, green eyed, cute boy he met today. 

* * * * 

Harry was now doing better. He hadn't seen any of those two boys. He was glad. Now, it was their last class of the day. It was Sociology. Harry was excited about it. He entered the classroom a bit early, so he got to sit where ever he wanted to. He sat at the middle row. It had been 15 minutes since he has been waiting for the students to come and the class to start. Thankfully, the students starting entering the class. The teacher came into the class minutes later and apologized for being late. The lecture began. 

At the end of the class, the teacher handed them some assignments to do and left. Harry was done for the day. He grabbed his belongings and then left. He was in the parking, when he saw Louis and his friends playing footie. He have always wanted to play footie with some friends. He used to play with his father, when he was younger. But then his real father passed away and his mom and step-dad were always busy making money. Harry felt like he was not wanted in his house. He only saw his parents once or twice a week. He felt utterly alone. Only Gemma was his companion. He was able to survive in that house because Gemma was there, but now with Gemma gone, he was not sure if he would be able to survive that loneliness, alone.  He was lost in his thoughts, that's why he didn't see the football coming his way. It hit him in the head. He fell backwards. Then Louis came running to him. There was a worried expression on his face. He rushed over to Harry and asked, "Are you Okay?" Harry replied by nodding and then getting up on his feet. Soon, Harry's eye met with Louis'. There was a look on Louis' face that he had not seen before. Suddenly, the look changed into a smirk. Then, Louis asked, "HUH. Are you blind or what? Look out for yourself."  and Louis ran away. Harry was utterly confused. For a second,, there was worry on Louis's face and the next there was this sassy Louis, who doesn't give a fuck. 

Harry hopped in his car then drove towards his house. He was exhausted. As, he reached his house, he ran towards his room. He threw his bag at one corner, his shoes at other and then jumped upon his bed. He then drooled out to his beauty slumber, dreaming about a blue eyed boy, whose name was definitely not Louis. Or was it? I guess, we'll never know.  

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