Lee looked at them as if he was about to say something, while the couple sat up straight. Lee rolled his tongue against his cheek as his finger pointed towards Fred and Amelia. "One on top of the other. I wonder what you two were doing?" Lee placed his hand on his chin. "Charm's homework."

Lee and Amelia both cackled as Fred rolled his eyes and said, "Fuck off Jordan."

Amelia continued laughing with Lee as he shot her a casual wink. Fred looked quite unamused and looked over at Amelia as he gave her a short glare. "Sorry, it's funny." She replied shrugging.

Lee chuckled lying down on the bed as he looked up at the ceiling. "Amelia," he spoke once more as Fred's hands snuck around her back pulling her further into him.

Amelia hummed as a reply to Lee, waiting for his response. "Where were you last night?" he asked his voice sounding completely sincere as he sat up.

"Lee I-" Amelia began to speak knowing this was going to be a hard conversation with her friends.

"I understand if you don't want to tell us." He spoke cutting her off. "But I- We were all worried, I just.. I want to know if you're okay."

Leaving her in friends in the dark, made Amelia feel awfully guilty. And seeing the worrisome look on Lee's face made Amelia feel worse. "Lee I can't say much but I promise I'll explain everything to you guys tonight."

"I don't care about all that, I just want to know if you're alright?" Lee said in slight frustration as he leaned forward.

Amelia was definitely not alright, and she knew she wouldn't be for a long time. But with the help of her friends and family she could see a light at the end of the tunnel. "I'll be okay," she finally said as they both exchanged smiles.

Fred who had been sitting there for a while, placed his hand on her back as he rubbed it for comfort. "Alright, let's go. I don't want to be late for breakfast," Katie exited the bathroom as she placed her Gryffindor tie around her neck.

"Are you two coming?" Lee asked as he stood from the bed.

"No, we're taking a day off," Fred said smiling at Amelia.

Once Lee and Katie left for their classes, Amelia and Fred were left alone in the room. "Now what do you want to do today?" Fred asked as he flipped Amelia to lie on her back as he hovered on top of her. The two giggling in response.

"Well I was thinking we could stay in today," Amelia suggested as Fred pushed the hair off of her face.

"Stay in?" Fred said in a shocking voice. "We have the whole day to ourselves. We could do a lot better than just stay in," Fred said as he kissed her cheek.

Fred knew exactly what Amelia needed, she needed someone to cheer her up. And that's exactly what he would do for her. It was still quite early in the morning giving the couple enough time to get ready for the day. All he wanted for her was to get her mind off of Alphard.

As he got out of bed, Fred pulled Amelia's arms up almost dragging her out of bed as she groaned. "I'll get ready in my dorm," He said as he grabbed his shoes.

"Fred, you have left behind most of your clothes here," Amelia said as she stood from her bed and made her way to her chest of drawers, revealing the stack of T-shirts and jeans Fred had left behind.

As the two got ready together, freshening up in the bathroom to get rid of their morning breath and changing into a fresh pair of clothes, which made Amelia feel slightly better about herself. Amelia slipped into one of her graphic T-shirts and paired it with her jean shorts. She placed Fred's necklace around her neck, twirling the small yet sweet pendant around her fingers and smiling.

The Red Head Boy- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now